37) Stabbing the tension

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Episode 4 is just Jinorra, Meelo and Ikki trying to find Korra so this chapter is just episode 5.

Sophie POV

Soon Iroh has to leave and Asami picks me up soon after.

"Where are your brothers?"she asks and I sigh.

"One is helping a dictator and the other one is babysitting."I reply and she laughs.

We sit in silence till Asami breaks it,"and what are you planning on doing?"

"What do you mean,"What am I planning?" "

"I saw how you reacted to Kuvira's announcement and there is no way that you aren't doing anything to help stop her."

"I don't even know where she is or where to even start."

"I do.."


"There are a couple of rumours going around that she is on her way to Zaofu. Wouldn't hurt to start there."

I fall silent and think. It makes sense. It's one of the last big cities that she has to conquer, it means a lot to her and if she were to succeed it would prove how strong she actually is.

"Well then I need to go there and help defend Zaofu."

We arrive at Asami's mansion and she stops the car.

"Are you going to... you know do the thing again?"she asks and I sigh.

"I'll control it. I have every other time I had to fight so far."

We get out of the car and walk into her home.

My family should be near by.

Asami was so nice and let my family stay here for the mean time, we'll for years now.

"Sophie is that you?"I hear my grandma ask as I walk in and I run to hug her.

"I missed you so much, grandma."I say and see more of my family members apppear,"I missed all of you."

I reunite with a couple of my family members before going with Asami into her office.

"Can we Radio through to Zaofu?"I ask and Asami nods.

"The signal is weak but it should work."

"Okay let's try it."

We try to radio through and after a bit I finally reach Su.

"Sophie is that you? I haven't heard from you in ages. I take it that you know what's going on? How can you help?"

"I'll be flying through to Zaofu early tomorrow morning. I'll try to help as much as I can."

"How? I'm sorry but I don't think there is anything you can create to help fight Kuvira's entire army."

"Trust me I'll make a plan. I'll be there a bit after sunrise."

"Okay. We need all the help we can get."

"Good luck, Su. Stay safe."

"Same to you."

I end the connection and put the radio back.

I turn to Asami and raise my eyebrows," you got a plane I can borrow? Preferably the smallest and fastest you have."

Asami nods," sure do."

We soon join my family for dinner and it feels so good to visit them again after all these years.

After dinner and spending about 2 hours avoiding questions about what I have been doing all these years, I go back to the room I had once already occupied when I stayed here with my brothers and started packing a backpack.

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