4) If I was a rich girl

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Sophie POV

I was exhausted the next morning and not in the best mood either.

I didn't tell my brothers about Kai being a equalist.They had enough to worry about and I didn't want them to be dramatic about this anyway.

It wasn't exactly a crime to be a supporter even if I didn't agree.

I decided to find out more by myself and maybe even get some inside information.

The next day I spent organising all my notes and see if anything was missing.

And truth behold there was.The plans for the tasers that I had designed for the police force was gone.

I had not done them for future industries but rather on my own terms.

I had designed them one afternoon while I decided to have lunch with Kai.

Once I was done I put them onto a pile of papers, to work on at a later point but then I got so busy that I forgot.

But luckily to me I never really forget anything.

I remember almost anything I read and me misplacing something is a very rare occurrence and only happens when my mind is a total mess.

I spent the rest of the day designing for future industries and sorting out my entire office till I thought it was perfect.

I wrote down everything that was missing and made sure to lock all my plans up, especially the ones that if they were to come in the wrong hands, could be dangerous.

Later that night Amon had hacked into the radio station and sent out a message to all non-benders.

The next day

I was busy eating when I heard someone knock on my door.

I let out a muffled come in as I had just stuffed a dumpling in there.

Man they are good.

I swallow my dumpling and look at Mako with a questioning look.

"Don't tell me Bolin got kidnapped again.You know what?They can keep him this time."I say and eat another dumpling.

Mako takes a seat in front of me and shakes his head,"Aren't you the sweetest sister and no, Bolin is fine....I think.I'm here to check up on you."he says looking out of my window.

"Mako you're the best brother ever and it's sweet but I know you're lying ?"I look at him with a smirk.

"Well no, well okay, you're right.I came here to tell you I have a date."he says and rubs the back of his neck.

I jumped up and squealed with the biggest smile,"With Korra ?"I ask.

"What?No!Why would you ever think that?Im going on a date with a girl called Asami."he said crossing his arms.

I sit down and put my head on my hand.

Yeah why would I ever think that.

"Oh okay but why are you here?"I ask again.

"Well I have never been on a date as you know and I thought you know, because you're a girl, I thought you could tell me how I should act?"he asks, avoiding eye contact.

"How am I supposed to know?I have never been on a date and when someone got the courage to ask me, you said and I quote,"Forget it, never happening as long as I can stop it." and then you made Bolin earth bend the poor guy away."

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