OC and extra info (updated)

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Some info on our main character
(This will be updated after each book) -
-Her name is Sophie
-She's the sister of Mako and Bolin
-She's a non-bender
-Height: 5'5 (168cm)
-She shares similar looking features with Mako including his golden eyes.
-Her age in book 2 is 16 (she is of legal age now)
-The legal age in republic city is 16 ( because I say so)
-She's extremely smart and finished school at 12.
-She excels in designing and making anything that has to do with technology and mechanics.
-She also remembers things very well and loves to read.
-Even through she is super smart, she sometimes lacks common sense.
-She works for the United Nations as a mechanic and a gear designer.
-She is stationed on the same ship as General Iroh and spends a decent amount of time with him.
-She is the youngest mechanic on the ship but one of the best if not the best.
-She requested to have no work partner with the reasoning that she works better alone.
-She has not seen her family or anyone from republic city in six months but she decided that it is best for her to spent time away and see the world.
-She writes letters to Mako, Bolin, Asami and Korra and stays in contact with them that way.
-She has traveled too a lot of different places for research and got a idea of how people are treated differently around the world.

Extra info about this book-
-This is a OC x Iroh II
-He is 19 in book 2
(gotta keep the age gaps in check)
-In my head the children that do attend the schools in republic city are actually supposed to finish at 16 and then go on to learn whatever they want.

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