29) I'm glad

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Sophie POV

I'm woken up early the next morning by Mako and we all go to breakfast.

"Has anyone seen chief Beifong?"Mako asks and I shake my head.

"She's probably off sulking in her room."Korra rolls her eyes

"I know she has a problem with me. But she had no right to yell at Opal last night."Su says just as her twin sons run in.

"All set for your power disc game today, guys?"she asks them.

"Yeah, all set to kick Wei's butt."the one says.

"I'm going to power disc your face."Wei punches his brother in the stomach before turning back to the table.

"You should come play with us."Wei tells Korra.

"Oh, I don't think I'd be much competition since I can't metal bend."Korra explains.

"Really?"Su asks,"Lin never offered to train you?"

"Nope, and I guess I never thought to bring it up because I was learning to airbend, then there was pro-bending, then I got tied up fighting the equalists. It was a busy few months."

"Well, it's probably for the best. I'm sure Lin would be a horrible teacher."Su chuckles.

Well that's not fair.
Lin's a talented metal bender and even through she can be tough, she is able to teach you so much.

"As the Avatar, you should have mastery over all the elements." Su continues,"I'd be happy to show you the basics."

"Really? That would be great."Korra  smiles and Opal turns to Bolin.

"You should try it too."she says causing Bolin to choke on his food.

"Uh, nah, I'm more of an earth guy. The  dirt, rocks, you know, maybe some light gravel—. That's kind of where my heart is."Bolin explains and I roll my eyes.


"Okay, earth guy. Well, let me know if you change your mind."Su says but is interrupted by the rattling of everything metal in the room.

My food flies from the table and towards the door.

I shriek in fright and feel as Bolin pulls me from my seat and under the table.

I peak over after a few seconds and see a giant metal suit.

"It worked!"Varrick shouts as he opens the helmet," Zhu-Li, mark it down. Magnet suit test successfully. Power down."

Zhu-Li shuts the power down," On to phase two— Zhu-Li cleans up this mess." And Varrick walks away leaving a defeated Zhu-Li behind to clean up the said mess.

I stand up and walk over too Zhu-Li," I don't know how you manage but respect."I grin and nod towards a retreating Varrick.

"You know what I don't either."she mutters and she takes all the metal away once we're done picking it up.

I walk back into the dining room and sigh," so breakfast is over?"I ask and everyone nods unsurely still recovering from how it ended.

Korra and Suyin go to practice metal bending while I try to do some meditating.

I had voiced my questions about my spirit powers to Tenzin a few weeks ago and he advised me to meditate on it.

Which seemed to be his answer for everything though.

It helped some times but it also terrified me.

I see things if I concentrate to hard.

Things like the spirit realm, spirits and even Vaatu.

My eyes shoot open once again and I'm breathing heavily.

Whoever said to reflect on yourself is a terribles advice giver.

I decide to stand up and explore a bit more.

I stumble upon Bolin holding a rock and making weird noises.

"What are you doing, weirdo?"I ask and Bolin jumps in fright.

"Nothing...go away."Bolin sighs and hugs the rock tighter.

"Hey guys!"a voice from behind us says.

Bolin and I both jump and turn towards Opal.

"Opal!"Bolin shouts.

"Hey."I wave at her.

I look at Bolin and Opal before making up an excuse to leave.

Don't want ruin my brothers "game", do I.

I walk to the far end of the mansion and stop at a wall painting.

"May I interrupt?"a person from behind me says and I just stop myself from jumping.

I turn around to face Kuvira,"Yes, of course."

Kuvira steps closer,"this painting is supposed to present what the earth kingdom used to be."

I look at her in question

"Protected, strong, powerful, unified. Now it's weak and corrupted. Well at least most parts are."she puts her hands together behind her back.

"The earth queen really is a problem. Ba sing Se and it's rings take away human dignity so...I agree with you."I nod and Kuvira turns to me.

"You do?"she asks.

I nod again,"any nation capable to treat their citizens like that needs to change."

Kuvira smiles slightly ,"I'm glad that we think similar."

I turn back to the beautiful painting in front of me.

I look at my watch,"I think it's time for me to go back. You want to walk with me?"

Kuvira shakes her head,"I'll stay a bit longer. Goodbye, Sophie."

"Goodbye, Kuvira."

I walk back to the mansion and am met by the training grounds being a total chaos.

"Sophie!"I hear and see Bolin's head pop up from around the corner,"You won't believe what Lin did."


The next day comes quickly and Mako, Bolin, Korra and I are standing in front of Beifong's door.

"Uh, who's gonna knock?"Korra asks and pushes Bolin closer to the door.

"Oh! No, no, no. Not me. You're the avatar. Why can't you do it?"Bolin asks stepping closer to me.

"Uh, I can. But I just thought that you—"Korra starts but I step forward.

"We'll do it."I state and grab Mako's arm.

"Hey!"he starts but I shrug.

"You think I'm going to go down alone."I say and Mako rolls his eyes.

He knocks and I hold an ear to Beifong's door.

"Uh, chief. You've been sleeping for 16 hours."I start.

"We just wanted to make sure that you're okay."Mako carries on just as the door is open and I fall into the room.

I look up to see Beifong standing above me.

She yawns and steps over me.

I feel Mako grab me from my collar and pull me up to my feet.

"What's that on her face?"Bolin asks and I look up at him in shock.

"I think it's a smile."

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