12) A last good bye

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Sophie POV

2 weeks later

Today is a beautiful day.

The sun is shining and the birds are singing.

Republic city was finally at peace and the renovations were on a role.

Korra and Mako were all lovey dovey which made me groan in annoyance as that is all they've been doing this entire time.

And let's just ignore the fact that Asami, his ex, was in the same room a few meters away from them.

We were all still living on air temple island but Mako, Bolin and I are moving out soon.

We decided to get our own apartment, that was relatively cheap, as Mako was about to start at the police and would be getting a decent salary.

Bolin wasn't too sure what he was going to do and I was still deciding on my options.

I had received a offer from the united Nation about a week ago and when I told everyone they were ecstatic.

They said that I should take the opportunity even if it meant leaving republic city behind for a bit.

My brothers were trying to be happy for me, I know they were, but I could see the look they shared when I told them.

The look that meant they actually didn't want me to leave.

I was considering the offer but I hadn't made a final decision yet.

There was still something that wouldn't leave the back of my mind.


I hadn't seen him since the airship and this weird feeling, that something bad had happened, wouldn't leave me.
I always pushed it away but it never really left.

It was now afternoon and the whole team was chilling in a lounge in the air temple when a guru walked in.

"Miss Sophie, there's someone at the docks who requests to see you."he says giving me a nod.

I jumped up quickly making the others look at me in question.

I ignore them and throw the book I had been reading in Bolin's lap, well at Bolin.

I grabbed my skirt, bunched it up a bit and thanked him.

He nodded again and left.

I  ran out of the air temple and to the docks as quickly as my legs would take me.

I looked around for Kai but only saw a old lady looking out onto the sea at the end of the docks.

"Mrs Smith?"I shout curiously.

"What are you doing here?"I ask as I walk closer to her.

She turns around and the look on her face immediately tells me something is wrong.

She had one of sorrow and what I could only describe as heart break.

"Hallo dear "she says, her voice crocky as if she had been crying, a lot.

I pull her into a hug and give her a tight squeeze.

"Is everything okay?"I ask pulling away.

She grabs my hand and gives it a tight squeeze.

"I came to talk to you about...Kai."
she says pausing before saying his name.

This feeling creeps back into my stomach.

"Is he okay?I haven't seen him in a bit."I say swallowing hard, scared of what she was gonna tell me.

"I'm sorry dear but he-he was found two days ago.He was what they call, one of Amon's casualties.He isn't with us anymore."she says with tears in her eyes.

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