23) A giant women

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Sophie POV

I wobbled my way up and tried to take a step towards the portal.

I felt my side scream in protest but carried on walking anyway.

Just as I made it three quarters of the way I saw figures enter through the portal and walk towards the river.

It motivated me to try and walk faster but my body would not let me.

I saw another three figures climb out of the water and walk to the three adults who were waiting for them.

The closer I walked towards them, the more I recognised the people.

It was my brothers, Korra, Tenzin, Bumi and Kya.

Just as Korra sat down on a rock she saw me and jumped up again.

She must have said something to my brothers, making them spin around and look at me with a shocked expression.

Once I was sure they would able to hear me I start talking.

"How did I even get here?"I ask and walk closer to them.

Mako held out a hand telling me to stop.

"What's your name?"he asks me as the others look at me like I'm about to attack them.

"It's me, Sophie...Your sister.
You know the one you grew up with."I answer and look at him confused,
"Why are you all acting so weird?"I ask and look at the people around me.

"Sophie, it's you!You're back!"Bolin shouts and runs towards me.

He hugs me and I shriek and shout at him to let me go.

"Was I ever gone?"I ask seriously.

Korra let's out a sigh and sits back down,"It's a long story."

I nod in understanding and slump down on the floor from exhaustion.

I tried to think back but only received a headache in response.

"Were you able to stop Unalaq and Vaatu?"Tenzin asks.

"No, they fused, then Vaatu ripped Raava right out of me and destroyed her.Vaatu won."Korra explains and I feel a shiver run down my spine.

"No! I'm too young to live through 10,000 years of darkness.
Korra, can't you talk to one of your past lives or something?"Bolin asks frantically.

"When Vaatu destroyed Raava, he destroyed my connection to the past avatars too."Korra explains and I let out a small gasp knowing what that meant.

"If that's true, then—"Tenzin starts.

"The cycle is over.I'm the last Avatar.I'm so sorry, Tenzin."Korra finishes and starts crying.

I use Bolin, who's standing right next to me, and stand up before looking into the sky.

Small bits and pieces of my memory were now coming back to me and I started remembering what I did, who I hurt and for what I fought.

Tenzin walks over to comfort Korra and gives her a motivational speech about her inner spirit.

He tells us to follow him to the tree of time and explains it's history and purpose.

When we reach it, it looks exactly like Vaatu's prison did but just without Vaatu inside of it.

"We need to find a way to break through it."Tenzin says and turns to Korra.

"I have an idea."I say quietly and move to the same spot I sat in earlier.

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