20) A prison and A premier

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Skipping episode 10 as that is Korra in the spirit realm so we just carrying on from where we ended off.

(Sorry for not updating but I was on a camp and phones were not allowed)

Sophie POV

I heard the clicking of my heels echoing off the hallway walls as we're guided towards Mako's cell.

The night Mako was arrested I stormed into the police station and almost punched one of the stupid detectives because of the way he was talking about Mako.

One of the two idiots who had arrested him.

I couldn't see him that night but Chief Beifong showed me some pity and gave Bolin and I a pass for today.

Even through I have the feeling that Bolin couldn't care less.

He used a few pity points to get me to agree to join him tonight at his mover premiere, and, let me tell you, I really didn't want to go.

The officer opened Mako's door and told Mako that he has visitors.

I nudge the officer out of the way and run in.

"Mako! Are you okay? Did they hurt?"I ask, grab onto his shoulders and check for any injuries.

"Phie, calm down I'm okay."he says, grabs my arms and pulls me into a hug.

I hear the door close and look over at Bolin.

"Hey, Mako."Bolin says.

"Hey, what's with the fancy clothes?"Mako asks and looks at the both of us.

"We're on our way to the big finale for Nuktuk: hero of the south."Bolin reply's and flexes his muscles.

"Yeah, everyone's gonna be there, except for, you know, you....because you're in jail and stuff."

"Thanks for the reminder."Mako replies sarcastically.

Bolin pulls out a mover poster of his and hands it to Mako,
"I brought this for you.I thought this would brighten up your new place.Read the inscription."

Mako reads it out loud and I roll my eyes.

"Did you two come by just to give me a poster?"Mako asks annoyed and I quickly shake my head.

"No, of course not."I reply.

"I came by to give you my sincere, heartfelt words of encouragement.I know all our lives have been moving in three different directions, but I want you to know that we will alway be there for you.We are siblings, after all, even if two of us are members of high society and the other one is a criminal."Bolin explains and I frown.

"I am not a criminal"
"Mako is not a criminal."
Mako and I say at the same time.

"Of course I know that, but you do kinda look like one, 'cause you're in a jail and that's where criminals live."Bolin puts his hands on his hips.

"I was set up! Varrick knew I had figured out he was hiring gangsters to pose as norther soldiers to get republic city to join the war.That's why he had me arrested, and how could you ever think that I would put Sophie's life in danger!"Mako shouts.

"Ah, I see what you're doing.You're going for the insanity defense.Smart."Bolin stupidly concludes.

"No! I'm trying to tell you that Varrick isn't what he seems.Where's Asami? She'll listen to me."Mako shouts.

"I asked her to come but she said it was too hard for her.You being in jail like this reminds her of her dad."Bolin says looking down with pity for just a second before grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the door.

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