11) Auto Pilot

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Sophie POV

We had been riding on Naga for a couple of hours now with no stops and it felt like it was getting colder by the second since we entered the mountain range.

Naga was running through the trees when a plane flew over our heads telling us that we were on the right path.

We arrived at a cliff that over looked the airfield and got off.

"I think we found our secret airfield.Bolin, once we get down there,I need you to tear up those runways.We can't let those aircraft take off."Iroh says and turns to Bolin.

"Aye-Aye, captain—ooh, general.general."Bolin says making me roll my eyes.

The other start running but Bolin and I stop when we hear Naga whimper.

"All right, you guys wait here until we get back, okay?"Bolin says to Naga and Pabu and starts running after the others.

I was about to catch up to them when Naga grabs my coat and pulls me back.

"What's wrong, Naga?I have to go."I freed my coat and took a few steps away from her.

She looked like she was about to follow when I held out my hand.

"Uh-Uh.Stay."I say, causing her to whimper again and lay down.

"Good girl."I quickly run after the others.

When I finished climbing off the cliff the others were already making their way to what looked like fence posts without fences but I knew better than that.

Before I could shout at them to stop they were already being electrocuted.

They all fall to the ground, unconscious.

I stood there for a few seconds contemplating my choices.

I could either try to quickly deactivate the electric fence and try to carry all of them away from their without being caught or wait for them to wake up.

But before I could try and make a decision I started hearing voices approaching us and hid behind a large rock.

"Amon's gonna love this."One of them says and it sounded like they were stating to pick them up one by one.

I waited till I was sure everyone was gone and carefully made my way to the fence.

I looked for the metal box that should be attached to every second  post and broke it open.

It took me a few minutes to deactivate it And I through a stick between the poles to make sure it was deactivated and whistled.

It took a minute till I heard the sound of heavy paws on snow and Naga came rushing now the cliff and straight to me.

She looked like she was about to tackle me but stoped led a few centimetres in front of me, licking my face.

"Good girl."I say rubbing her head.

"Now Naga, listen carefully, find Bolin."I say slowly grabbing her cheeks, making her look straight at me.

Pabu says something and Naga growls.

"Find them."I say again and let her go.

"I got to sabotage a few airplanes."I say to myself and run towards where I guessed the planes stood.

She growls but runs off to what I hope is the direction of the team.

I managed to sabotage a few airplanes before someone caught me and we got into a fight.

I managed to, by some miracle, knock them out and decided to steal their uniform.

I casually walked to one of the airplanes that were all lined up on the run way and got in.

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