24) A Sneeze and a blast (book 3)

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Sophie POV

"And I'm telling you again we can't just set them on fire."I tell the man in front of me for the third time.

He scratches his nose and looks at the spirit vines again.

"Why?" he asks making me want to hit my head against the brick wall.

"Okay, now again in the simplest form ever.Vines are magic, magic doesn't like fire, fire makes magic mad, mad magic destroys things and we have more work.Do you want more work?"I ask rubbing my forehead.

He quickly shakes his head and turns to his construction workers,"Let's leave boys there's nothing we can do."he shouts and they all pack up their explosives and flame throwers.

He quickly wobbles away probably too his lunch break.

Once they're gone I let out a muffled scream into my hands.

Harmonic convergence was about two weeks ago and I haven't had a single day off since.

All my injuries were luckily healed at the South Pole so that didn't bother me but I still didn't feel like I did before everything happened.

My spirity powers had not shown up again since I entered the physical world which made me wonder if they would even exist outside of the spirit realm and if they do, would they only come to me in life or death situations.

I walk closer to the building and pat the vines.

They aren't going anywhere anytime soon but neither are the spirits.

Speaking of spirits, it was weird having them in the city at first but you get used to it.

Korra had a meeting today with the press again about these said spirits and I know that won't end very well as we have absolutely no answers to any of their questions.

I can't even get samples of the vines without them trying to send me back to the spirit realm but as a spirit.

I grabbed the handle of my backpack and started walking back to my temporary office in central city.

I really didn't feel like it as I have this sick feeling, making me feel all tired and done but I have work to do.

I work for a bit before I get so frustrated that I throw my book closed and decide to leave it for today.

My brain can't even do the simplest equations and for the first in my life I feel that type of stupid.

I take the next fair to air temple island, where we were living temporarily, as our apartment was destroyed by a spirit tree.

I first set all my stuff down in my room before joining everyone for lunch.

I walk in to see that Tenzin and his entire family and Bolin already started eating lunch.

I greet everyone before sitting down and eating my food quietly.

A few minutes after I arrive Korra and Asami walk in.

"Sophie, any luck with the vines today?"Korra asks in a tone that says she already knows the answer but has a bit of hope left.

"I had to stop a guy from exploding a building, his reasoning being that fire can solve anything.
These people aren't like average stupid, Korra,  they're full on Bolin type of stupid.
To make it worse there were still people in the building.
Luckily I had to authorize it before they could blow anything up."I say and she shakes her head and sits down next to me.

Bolin frown at me and shoves my head making me elbow him in the ribs.

We listen to Bumi rambling and Korra asks what's up with him.

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