8) Stirring the tea

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-You guys know how hard it is to get Avatar comics in my country? Really hard.

Sophie POV

I squealed with excitement once we reach Air temple island.

I have wanted to visit this place for so long but never got a opportunity to.

The time between escaping from the equalists to now was very busy.

I had explained exactly what had happened not just to chief Beifong but also to the entire council.

They were to decide if I was guilty or not so I had to tell every single detail to prove that I did it because I had no other choice.

That I didn't see any other option in that moment, but even then I had tried to cause as much damage to the equalists as possible.

I mean I literally blew up almost all the work that I had done in my entire life just so that they wouldn't be able to use it.

The council was suspicious but when hearing my reasoning and actions towards the equalists, they agreed that I was to be judged innocent but a close eye was to be kept on me by the white lotus at the temple.

That didn't bother me as Korra had the same conditions but managed to escape from them every time.

They said that I was an advantage to whoever's side I was on and even through they believed me, they couldn't risk it.

I, of course, agreed and thanked them for giving me a chance.

I also explained everything to my brothers, Korra and Asami before my meeting with the council and all of them showed very different emotions.

My brothers were concerned and couldn't let go of the fact that they weren't there to protect their little sister.Mako went into broody teenager mode afterwards, as per usual.

Korra looked conflicted and a bit guilty but when I tried to dig a bit, she shrugged me off and so I let it drop.

Asami apologised for her farthers actions but I ensured her that it wasn't her fault, which was true.
A child should never be helt responsible for the actions of their parents.

So, as you can see, I had a very interesting morning.

We get off the boat and are greeted by Tenzin's kids and Korra.
I remember reading up on them for a research project I did for fun once.

I walked down the plank first and looked at the temple in amazement.
It was so much more prettier up close then I could have ever imagined.

"You're finally here.Welcome to air temple island!Your new home!"Ikki shouts.

"Yes, welcome to my domain."Meelo continues.

"Well aren't you sweet."I say to Ikki and Meelo.

Meelo looks up and smiles,"You're pretty.Can I have your hair?"he asks sweetly.

"Ehh no but thanks."I say confused.

"We'll see about that."he says and spots Pabu.

"What's that fuzzy creature?"he asks.

"That is a fire ferret.Arboreal mammal common to the bamboo forests of the central earth kingdom."Jinora says and walks closer to me.

She looks me in the eyes and sticks out her hand,"It's wonderful to meet you, Sophie.I have wanted to meet you every since I found out about your accomplishments.It's gonna be amazing to have someone in the house that is as interested in reading and knowledge as me."she explains while I shake her hand.

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