35) The first kill

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Sophie POV

We fly for a bit, following Kai to where he last saw the airbenders.

"The place where I saw them taking the airbenders is around here."Kai shouts over too us.

"That's gotta be where they took Korra."Mako shouts while pointing at a couple of statues and a very obvious cave entrance.

We fly down and land a few meters from the entrance.

Tonraq and Bolin help Tenzin off Oogi while Mako jumps down and also helps me off.

"Save the airbenders and my family."Tenzin says and I look over at the cave cautiously.

We don't know what to expect once we walk in there. We don't know if we're all going to make it out.

All of us run into the cave while Tenzin stays behind.

"Should we split up?"Kai asks but Mako quickly shakes his head.

"We're staying together for as long as we can."Mako says and looks down into the long dark tunnel.

Lin and Su do their vibration scanning thing and tell us that if we were to bend fully through the wall on the right, we'd be met with the captives.

Bolin, Su and Lin start bending and are the first ones to break through to the airbenders.

They start bending and I watch as Asami jumps over a flying bolder, slides next to a red lotus member and electrocutes him.

Damn still a badass.

Asami and I grab the keys from the knocked out guards and start freeing the airbenders.

I stand up after freeing the last airbender and watch as Lin and a couple of other aibenders help a very beat up Bumi and Kya up.

"We have to get them out of here. They don't look so good."Lin says.

"You guys get out of here. I'll search for Korra."Tonraq say and Mako, Bolin and I step forward.

"We're going with you." Mako says.

"You don't have to search for her. I know exactly where she's being held."Jinorra says and gives us the directions.

To my better judgement I follow Mako, Bolin and Tarrlok as they go to find Korra.

We run till we see the end of the tunnel and see that Korra is busy giving the Red lotus a run for their money.

"Korra!"Tonraq shouts but Korra just flys past us and after Zaheer.

"We have to help her!"Tonraq shouts and I look after Korra.

Bolin blocks a Boulder being thrown at us and Making shoots some fire at Ghanzan.

"You help Korra. We got this."I say to Tonraq and he goes.

We jump out off of the ledge and Bolin keeps on battling the lava bender.

Mako attacks the lava bender while I take a step back to look for any other red lotus member.

Suddenly I'm swiped of my feet and the Ming-hua is trying to kill me.

I roll out of the way, making her narrowly miss my head.

I shoot fire at her making her jump back giving me an opportunity to get back up.

Mako jumps infront of me and we both starting fighting the water bender.

"Is Bolin okay?"I shout as we go further and further into the cave system.

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