30) Life saver

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Thank you for 5K reads, guys!
I really appreciate it!

Also, Episode 7&8 are combined for this chapter.

Btw, this is going to be a bit of a longer chapter so enjoy.

Sophie POV

Everyone is standing around me as I'm adjusting the radio.

The static finds a signal and I speak into the radio.

"Is this the air temple radio?"I ask.

"Air temple island. Who's speaking?"A unkown voice reply's.

"Sophie speaking for avatar Korra.  Please give the radio to Master Tenzin."I reply.

The voice tells me to wait a minute befor the radio goes quite again.

"Thanks, soph."Korra says as I give her the radio.

"Are you all right? Where are you?"Tenzin asks through the radio.

Well hallo to you too.

"We're with Beifong's sister in Zaofu. We're totally safe unless we get caught in another fight between Su and Lin."Korra grimaces at the thought of them fighting again.

"Lin willingly took you to her sister?"Tenzin asks a bit confused.

"Not exactly. We got a call about a new airbender, and it turned out to be Su's daughter, Opal. She'll be heading your way soon." Korra explains.

"Really? That's wonderful!"Tenzin exclaims.

"She is wonderful."Bolin sighs dreamily into the mic,"and pretty and so smart! And she smells like flowers."

I groan in annoyance and rub a hand over my face. I can't take this anymore.

"Sorry,"Bolin realizes,"Bolin out."

Korra takes back the mic,"How's the training going?"

They start talking about the training and how it's not going well and how Bumi could help.

"You're turning into a pretty wise avatar after all."Tenzin tells Korra.

"Conflict resolution. It's what I do."Korra smirks.

Girl you cause more conflict than you actually solve.

The call soon ends and we all split up again.

It's actually getting so boring here.

I've been all around Zaofu, I've spent hours in the library and read anything that I haven't read yet, well anything that our library at home doesn't have, and I've walked around the Beifong estate for about a thousand times.

Can't just something interesting happen?

Later that day I'm watching Korra and Bolin spare with Wei and Wang while I sit at the end of the small bridge.

Well more like Korra sparing and Bolin trying to bend metal.

"Beat his ass, Korra!"I shout just as she falls to the floor.

"Your doing great!"I send her a thumbs up as she pushes herself off the floor to try again.

I feel someone come up behind me and look up to see Asami and Mako looking down at me.

"Hi"I grin up and Asami grins back.

Mako just shakes his head and reaches under my arms to pull me up.

"Why are you so happy?Is Bolin getting beaten up?"Mako asks as Bolin is squashed by two metal planks.

"Yeah."I nod and cross my arms.

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