7) Kai

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Sophie POV

Asami and I were playing with Pabu while the boys were packing all our things.

We were kicked out of the arena after last night because they were shutting it down but Asami had offered that we could stay with her.

It was a really generous offer but I didn't really know how I felt about it.

I mean yeah living in a mansion is cool and all but also a really, really big change from living in a attic or on the streets or in a really small space.

Don't get me wrong through, I'm ready for that indoor pool.

We carry on chatting and she tells me all the things she wants us to do together.

I was surprised that she wanted to spend time with me.
I mean compared to her I was a little kid but I wasn't complaining.

She was one of the kindest and coolest people I knew.

Which she just proved again today by offering us to stay at her house.

I hear Korra's  voice below us and stick my head out by the ladder.

"Hey Korra."I greet and start climbing down the ladder.

"Oh, hey, Korra.I was hoping you'd stop by."Asami says and climbs after me.

"I was just leaving."Korra replies, looking at Asami.

"So I guess I'll see you guys around...sometime."she says turning to walk out.

"Why not tomorrow?I'd love to have you come visit the estate."Asami offers

"I have some....avatar stuff to do."Korra says shrugging.

"Oh come on,Korra.It'll be fine."I say, trying to sound persuasive.

"Yeah come on, Korra.We all deserve a little rest and relaxation after all this craziness.We could swim in Asami's pool.It'll be fun"Bolin says in a high pitch voice, trying to make it sound like how Pabu would.

Korra laughs but nods,"All right, Pabu."

"Great, we'll see you tomorrow."Asami says and we all wave goodbye to Korra.

The rest of the day was quite busy with all the moving and packing.

Then there was also that really awkward situation with Asami's farther, Mr Sato, my boss.
Apparently he didn't know we were moving in with them.
That was a conversation I wish I never had to be part of.

The first night by the estate was weird.I had a room to myself which was great,really, but quite unusual for me as I have always stayed together with my brothers.

I mean they are only a few rooms away from me but it still feels so....far.

After at least a hour of being unable to fall asleep I finally did but what surprised me is that the next morning when I woke up, my brothers were next to me, sleeping soundly.

I stood up making sure not to wake them up and got ready.

I then scavenged for food and worked on a few designs and ideas for future industries.

The requirements were a bit odd.I had to design small electric circuits that could let out strong electrical pulses that could be controlled and let out on command by a machine.

Kai said these would be used for a new gadget that future industries wanted to develop but he wasn't sure what exactly it was either.

I had designed something like this already years ago as a science project.The designs were stolen from me soon after and I just never had any interest in developing them again, well, until now.

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