22) Bad Sophie

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Third POV

Sophie waited for Unalaq's command to strike.

She felt a certain rage run through her body.
It made her want to destroy anything in her way, as if that would make it go away.

Just as Korra started fighting with Unalaq, she took her que to defend him.

She bend what looked like dark light along her fingers and shot it at Korra.

Korra jerked back, making her look at Sophie in shock, wondering what they had done with her.

Unalaq dropped onto the floor and nodded his head to the boys behind Korra.

"Take them out.I'll take Korra."he commands loud enough for Korra to hear.

All Sophie does is nod and grab onto a spirit flying past.

She uses the spirt to take her to the boys and bends the light around her hands again.

"Sophie, we don't want to hurt you.Please...stop."Mako pleads as Bolin and him take a pose to defend themselves.

With her mind now feeling a bit clearer, she chuckles.

"What a pity, because I want to hurt you."she reply's and bends at them.

They jump out of the way and Bolin bends a rock out of the floor that Sophie shoots to dust.

"Bad Sophie! Bad Sophie!"Bolin shouts as she lets out a scream of rage.

She jumps over the other rocks and uses it as a boost to get in front of Bolin and round house kick him to the floor.

Unalaq flys above them and through the portal making Sophie look.

Mako uses this opportunity to try and knock her out.

He only manages to throw her a couple of feet away from them.

They follow Korra's comand and follow Unalaq out of the portal to stop him from coming back in.

Sophie quickly get up and decides to follow Unalaq's comand too and carry on trying to take out the boys.

As she steps through the portal there's a voice inside of her screaming at her to stop and help them.

She ignored it and covered her fists in that dark light again.

She had a command and nothing else mattered.
She didn't even know what she did before all this, all she knew was that she had to help the rise of the new Avatar and kill anything that stood in it's way.

When she reached the woods, the boys were already fighting against a unknown force.

Sophie quietly walked in further , sure to not make a sound, too not let the boys know of her arrival.

She forms a ball of matter in each hand and shoots it at the boys.

Not being able to react fast enough the boys fall to the ground looking around for their newest attacker.

"What did he do with her?"Bolin mutters, terrified.

Mako says nothing but jumps on his feet and defects one of the ice shards coming from the forest.

While the boys are fighting a physical battle, Sophie's fighting an internal one too.

The muffled voice inside her head won't stop screaming at her to wake up, to remember who she is and what she actually stands for.

Sophie shakes her head trying to silence it and just for a second her real consciousness regains control.

Her eyes flicker from the dark almost black to their usual gold.

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