40) Fever dreams

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Episode 8 is just the team remembering their past adventures so I decided to mostly ignore that and dedicate this chapter to more of what happened between Sophie and Kuvira :)

I'd also like to thank all of you for 15k reads and 524 votes. You guys are so awesome ❤️❤️
It makes my day so much better seeing people actually interacting with the story (even though I've been a bit inactive recently...
Hope you enjoy this chapter :)
Love JaneMayLily

*Everything written in italics is a dream/memory*

Sophie POV

Everything hurts when I wake up.

'What the-' I think and feel an immense pain in my throat.

Great I have cold.
At the worst time possible, I get a damn cold.

A knock sounds through my room and I let out a groan in response.

"Sophie? Why aren't you up yet? It's almost 12:00."I hear Mako's voice ask.

I don't respond but just turn to look at him.

His eyes narrow, I can see his motherly instincts click in and he walks closer to me.

He puts a hand on my forehead and frowns.

"You have a fever."he says and I rolls my eyes.

I can see why you are a detective, Mako.
Those observation skills are phenomenal.

"Don't roll your eyes at me."he says and places his hands on his hips.

After he fuses a bit more, makes me take some awful medicine and stops Wu from placing me in quarantine, he finally decides to leave me alone.

"If you need anything come look for us or ring the bell or shout or do whatever. Just don't try to do anything by yourself."Mako says sternly and I nod.

He gives me one last look and walks out so he can start his training session in material arts with Wu.

I let my muscles relax back into the bed and darkness overtakes my mind.


"Kuvira!"I shout gleefully, trying to get her attention.

"Did you do it?"she asks excitedly.

"Yes. This train is like nothing anyone has every seen before. It should get us anywhere in half the time."I gesture to the blueprints.

Kuvira says nothing at first but then puts a hand on my shoulder,"we're going to revolutionise the world."


"This is too dangerous, Kuvira!"I shout in frustration.

She looks at me harshly,"So you are not willing to cooperate with my plan."

I look at her with wide eyes,"What ? No! No I am not willing. You can't go through with this! Tempering with spirit vines is too dangerous. The amount of damage it could cause is unbelievable. If it were to fall in the wrong hands-"

"It will be my hands commanding it,"Kuvira's eyes narrow,"are you telling me I don't know what I am doing. I am trying to do what Su couldn't do. Unite the earth kingdom! Help the people! Isn't that what you want to do to! Isn't that what you left the fire nation for when I sent you my offer?"

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