21) Bright and deadly

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Sophie POV

"Wake up."Someone shouts and kicks my side.

I groan in pain and annoyance as I'm pulled to my feet.

I open my eyes and see the man pulling me up, along with a man standing behind him with a bandaged shoulder.

"Useless, stupid girl"he grumbles and turns me around.

"You guys still mad about that? I think we're pretty equal."I reply and feel a foot hit my back making me stumble forward.

Definitely still mad.

I walk off the bridge of the ship to see that we had now arrived in the Capital of the South Pole.

I looked around to see soldier upon soldiers climbing into transports and being taken away.

"Where are they all going?"I ask.

"Don't worry, you'll join them soon,"he smirks as we reach a car that looks a lot like one you'd transport prisoners in.

I was pushed into the back and landed hard on my side as my hands were still cuffed.

The drive was long, bumpy and uncomfortable.

I was treated like a prisoner when I had done nothing wrong.

I felt the car stop making me jerk around.

The door is slammed open and I'm being pulled out again.

I was now absolutely freezing as the only thing they had given me was boots as I was still barefoot from last night.

My hoody and sweats did something but still almost nothing against the cold.

I was lead into a tent and forced onto chair.

My hands were tied to the armrests but my feet were free.

It's something.

Then I was left alone with my thoughts till Unalaq comes strutting in.

"Sophie, how nice to see you again."Unalaq says as he walks in.

"I hate you.Your mental and if I could, I would push you in front of a car I built so you'd die a slow, miserable death."I say with absolute hatred.

"How creative but for now you're here to help me."he says and I let of a bark of laughter.

"In your dreams, old man."

"You say that now but soon you'll have no other option but to think otherwise and if you'll excuse me you're pathetic "family" is coming soon."he says and walk out.

"Your pathetic!"I shout and slump back in my seat.

That was a weak comeback

I hear a few guards shuffle and talk outside my tent but other then that I'm all alone.

I'm in the middle of the tent and there's a table at the side.

Maybe if I could shuffle my chair to the table I could use the edge to create friction and brittle the ropes so they are weak enough to rip through.

I start shuffling my chair from one side to the other as fast but quietly as I could.

Once I reach the halfway point I hear a big explosion outside and feel the floor vibrating.

I hear the engine of a plane and the sounds of bending echo through the air.

I attempt to shuffle again but a soldier runs into my tent, the same soldier that I stabbed last night.

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