17) The big bang

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Sophie POV

We sailed for the entire night and a bit till we reached Republic city.

It felt like I haven't been here in forever and ,to be honest, it felt good to be back home.

Once we reached the docks we got off the boat and were almost immediately greeted by chief Beifong.

"Welcome home, Avatar.Thanks for starting a war."Chief says.

"I didn't start a war.Well, I did, but it's more complicated than you're making it seem."Korra defends herself.

"Mako, I want you back on the beat.There's going to be a southern water tribe peace march tonight.I need you there to make sure things don't get out of hand."Chief says and Mako nods.

"I'm all yours."he replies.

"I'll go too.The people of the south need to see that the avatar is on their side in the fight against the nothern invaders."Korra says.

"Great.That should calm them down."Chief says and walks off.

I quickly push in between Korra and Mako and run after her.

"Chief!Chief Beifong!"I shout and she stops.

"Sophie, haven't seen you in a while.What do you want?"she asks crossing her arms.

"I wanted to ask if there is anything I could help you with."I ask and give her a smile.

She looks at me for a second before nodding.

"The lines in the southern tribe centre.Someone tried to blow it up last week and my people can't get it right.You can come and fix it later."she says and walks off.

Always so direct and cold.I love it.

I turn back to the group to see Korra and Mako arguing and decide to sit this one out.

Mako walks too me and asks what I'm going to do today.

I explain to him that I will go to the centre later but I first want to go to our apartment.

I decide to walk which takes me about twenty minutes.

I must say it's for sure an upgrade compared to a attic.

We moved in here two days before I left for the United Nations, so my brothers took it upon themselves to decorate my room for when I return and I must say they did a pretty good job.

One wall was a nice blue while the others being white.

The room had a nice desk and a beautiful bookshelf with all my books neatly aligned.

In one letter Bolin told me that Mako wanted everything to be perfect for when I return back to the city and so made sure that I had the best they could afford.

Which in result made me feel really bad as I wasn't planning to return anytime soon nor am I planning on staying for a long period of time.

I know Mako was a bit hurt when I left.

He didn't tell me or show me but I could see it.

Luckily his work at the police station and his relationship with Korra distracted him a bit which worked out well in my favour.

The rest of the apartment is also nice.

Surprisingly clean but Mako has always been a bit of a neat freak.

I open my closet and take out one of my old outfits.

When I left for the United Nations I knew that I'd have to wear more formal clothes and so left most of my daily outfits here.

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