1) The Avatar (Book 1)

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*Kai is my own character*

Sophie POV

"Clocking out already?"Kai asks with a smirk while he leans against my door frame.

I put the papers I was holding in my backpack and zip it...something I wish Kai would do too.

"Aren't you observant?"I reply and shake my head.

"Good to see that you are starting to give up,You had me thinking you were gonna catch up to me soon."he replies walking into my office, which was sadly right next to his.

"Me catching up to you? I was already at your level when I was 12."I reply with a smirk.

He rolls his eyes and sits on the chair opposite of mine.

"I didn't invite you in.Where are your manners? In the trash with your attempt of a hydraulic engine?"I ask and go through my project file.

I see him narrow his eyes and cross his arms from the corner of my eye.

"It didn't fail, it just needed a little nudge to get started."

"If you would had just let me help you it wouldn't need a nudge at all but nooo."I say and look back at him.

"Don't worry, darling. I'll figure it out all on my own."he replies and looks at all the papers on my desk.

"Why are you here anyway ? You lonely or something?"I ask with a bored look.

"Nah,don't you worry the ladies keep me busy enough.I just thought I'd give your single ass some company."he says, picking up a few of the pages.

Those were the sketch's of the new motor I had developed for future industries a while back.

"Sure, ladies, as in plural and stop touching my stuff, idiot."I say and reach across the table to grab the papers he's holding.

"No need to get jealous shortcake although I don't see you having a big choice of men either."he replies and leans back in the chair.

I sigh,"What do you want, Kai?"I ask.

"Mr Sato called me earlier, when you were in the factory, said we needed to get started on that new engine you came up with last week."he explains.

That made me lean back in my chair with a sigh.

"He's really pushing us to our limit these last few weeks, eh.I don't know what he's planning but it's big."I reply and drag a hand over my face.

"Yeah I agree but we got to do what boss asks right?"he says and sits up.


"Now get your ass out of my office.I promised Mrs Lee that I'd fix a few of her radios after work."I say and gather all my papers, shoving them in my drawer and locking it.

Kai stands up.

"Aren't you sweet? I'll take my leave as you just so kindly suggested but first thing tomorrow, we get started."he says walking out.

"Fine see you tomorrow."I say and put my backpack on my lap.

"Bye shortcake!"he shouts.

"Don't call me that!"I shout back.

This boy makes me mad, like really mad but insulting him is quite fun.

Kai and I both started researching here when I was 13 and he was 15 so we've worked together for about 2 years now.

We finished school at 12 and 14 and Mr Sato employed us as developers/researchers and occasionally mechanics.

Mr Sato gave both of us scholarships in our school years which helped us both, a lot.

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