42) Coward

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I've been on my knees
Change the prophecy"-Taylor Swift (TTPD)
^I heard this masterpiece and it just soo reminded me of Sophie :)

This chapter is based off of Episode 10 :)

Sophie POV

"The borders are secure and the troops are guarding the rail lines into the city. So what have you three geniuses come up with to fend of Kuvira?"President Roku asks Varrick, Asami and I.

All of us including Wu, Mako, Korra and Tenzin were all standing in his office talking strategy.

"It's a flying Mecha-suit!"Varrick announces and violently gestures to the plan Asami had unfolded,
"Sophie and Asami got the idea from watching Dragonfly-Hummingbirds. You can take off straight up, fly in any direction."

I remember how we came up with the idea. We decided to have lunch and chat, just the two of us (as I felt that I trusted Asami the most).
A dragonfly-Hummingbird landed on Asami mid conversation and the idea hit us at the same time.

"Where does the spirit ray come out?"Roku asks seriously.

My eyes harden, this is not how we're playing.

"It doesn't have a spirit ray."I reply and Varrick backs me up.

"I'm telling you what I told Kuvira after she first showed me the original research: that technology should not be used."

I have too keep myself from shrinking back from guilt at the mention of the original research.

The president stands up and slams his hands on the desk,"It's already being used by Kuvira! I need spirit vine weapons, and I need them now! "

"No. It was Kuvira's harvesting of the vines in the swamp that caused the Republic City Vines to go crazy and grab all those people."Korra explains.

"You're supposed to be the bridge between the two worlds. Why can't you harvest the vines?"Roku asks and I look at the floor.

I once was able to control them during my time fighting Kuvira in the earth nation but I distanced myself from that ability a long time ago.

"I won't do that, but maybe since the spirits love Republic City so much, I can convince them to help us defend it somehow."Korra suggests and he agrees.

Of course Wu decides to but in,
"Okay, maybe while the weapon geniuses and the spirit bridge are getting ready for battle, we should be evacuating the ordinary citizens so that if Kuvira attacks they won't be hurt."

I think for a second and am actually really surprised that that isn't a bad suggestion.

President Roku agrees and gives Wu a couple of orders.

Soon we leave and go our separate ways. I decide to go to the library and take out a couple more books about dragonfly-hummingbirds.

Just as I'm walking to the check out I walk past the seat where my fire powers had shone for the first time.
So much has happened since then.

The window above the seat pushes open and I quickly rush to close it.

I look out of the window as I grab the handle and see a bunch of spirits looking up at me from the ground floor.

I stare at them for a couple of seconds and they stare back.
I quickly checkout and rush outside to the spirits.

Once I reach them they just look at me till one of them speaks up,"Why has the spirit bender let this happen?"

I grip the books tighter,"Let what happen? You got to be more specific. I've messed up a lot."

It blinks up at me,"Why has the spirit bender not fought in the war for months? Why did she let Kuvira disrupt the spirit vines?"

I grind my teeth together,"because the spirit bender is a coward and chose her own peace, her own family, even if that choice was halfway made for her."

Some of the spirits vanish,"The avatar is asking the spirits to be a tool towards your team during the human war, but spirits will not be involved."

I sigh,"I understand."

"If use your power again, the spirit vines would abide but be careful you know the damage you can make. We have not told the avatar about you but we trust she will know in due time."

I nod,"Thank you. Thank you so much."

The spirit vanishes and I stare up into the sky.

If only the others were here.
My rebels. My army. My team.

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