5) Brothers

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Sophie POV

Today was a beautiful day.

Not just am I off for the next few days because of company maintenance but it is also the day of my meeting with chief Beifong.

THE chief Beifong.
Can you believe it?!

She let me explain every idea and even nodded a few times and told me at the end that she'll consider them.

And in my opinion, that's a success.

I walk back into the arena but stop when I hear someone shout my name.

I turn around and wait for the person to catch up.

"Asami, how are you?"I ask and give her a hug.

"I'm good soph, how was your meeting with Beifong?"she asks hugging me back.Well as best as she could while holding a cart full of packages.

"It was really cool and so exciting.What are you carrying?"I ask and take one of the packages from the cart to see what it is.

"These are new uniforms for your brothers and Korra."she explains.

I put the package back and help her push the cart into the building.

"These look so cool.Thank you Asami.I don't know what we'd do without you."I say and look up at her.

"It's all my pleasure, Phie."she says and we carry on walking in comfortable silence.

That took some getting used to.

I mean someone except my brothers and Kai calling me by my nicknames.Happens when you grow up with barely any friends.

We walk into the gym and I can see the team having a pep talk.

"We're ready!"Korra and Bolin chant.

"Not quite"Asami interrupts and holds up one of the uniforms,"you'll need these."

"Hey Asami."Mako greets making me cough loudly.
He turns to me and smirks"No, I forgot you on purpose."

I gasp and walk past him to Bolin and Korra.

"Hallo my favourite people!"I say loud enough for Mako to hear me.

"Good morning, sweetie."Asami says smoothly to Mako making me gag.

It was nothing personal just really cringy and uncomfortable to hear that interaction.

I glance at Korra and see that she has an annoyed look on her face.

"These new uniforms look great."Mako says.

"You look great, champ."she says and they rub their noses together.

Eww, what is this.
This is so painful to watch.
I took at Korra and see that her and me are both pulling a face and look away.

This is so bad.
How is Bolin watching this with a straight face?

"Well, teammates and dwarf,"Mako announces and puts a arm around Asami,"I'll see you before the match tonight.Asami and I have a lunch date."

And so they walk out together, leaving Bolin, Korra and me all alone.

"Okay, we'll check you guys later.You know, we'll see you when we see you."Bolin shouts and waves after the couple.

Then he literally slides over to Korra and try's to act cool,"So, Korra ...There they go, here we are.All alone in the gym."Bolin says.

"I'm still here."I say from behind them.

"You don't count."Bolin says over his shoulder and focuses back on Korra.

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