16)...everywhere I look around

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Sophie POV

I couldn't sleep that night as my thoughts wouldn't let me.

The thought that someone was in my room, looking through my stuff without me knowing not just creeped me out but also worried me.

I have to much info in my notebooks that if someone were to steal it...I don't even want to think about it.

Just as the first rays of sun hit the South Pole I decided I had enough and got up.

I needed to report to the United Nations.

I have the right too.

Not even Unalaq is allowed to stop me.

Even through he doesn't seem to care about what he can and can't do either.

Just as I am about to leave to find a radio a knock sounded through my room.

"Coming!"I shout and quickly walk to the door.

"Hey Sophie."Asami greets as I open the door.

"Oh hey, Asami.What are you guys doing here so early?"I ask, referring to my brothers.

"I'm closing a deal with Varrick today and I was hoping you could join me."she says and I nod.

"We are coming with to support, you should come to."Mako says.

"Uhh yeah, yeah, I'll come.I just also have to finish some work for the United Nations today."I say, putting on my boots.

"Don't worry.It shouldn't take that long."Asami says.

"Okay, I'll be out out in a second."I say and close the door so all the hot air doesn't get out.

I quickly grab my backpack and check that both of my bracelets are properly on before joining them.

We walk to Varrick's house and when we arrive we are sent straight to his office.

I take a seat on the couch with my brothers, while Asami walks around the room.

After about an hour I start to get annoyed.

Has he ever heard of the saying time is money.

"Where's Varrick?We should've closed our deal an hour ago."Asami says worriedly.

"Would you relax? This place is great and the best part about it? Eska doesn't know I'm here."Bolin says making me roll my eyes.

"Don't say her name three times or she might pitch up."I say chuckling to myself.

"Eska, Eska, Eska.You see nothing."he replies and sticks his tounge out.

Just as I was about to reply the doors were pushed open making my head shoot towards the door.

The guards step to the side to reveal no one other than Eska and Desna.

I let out a short laugh while Bolin stands up, sweating.

"I wasn't hiding. hey, hey-hey, hey."he says making me shake my head in disappointment.

"I'm not on the hunt for you.Currently."she says making me let out a breath of relief.

"We search for Varrick.Our father wishes him to stand trial."Desna explains.

"What did he do?"Asami asks .

"He is a traitor to the water tribe, along with our aunt and uncle."Eska says making my eyebrows furrow.

"What?"I ask.

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