13) Oh my spirits (book 2)

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-If Sophie was a bender, what bender do you think she'd be?

Sophie POV

My quite office was interrupted by a loud knock that made me close my book and shout a come in.

"I hope I'm not interrupting you?"Iroh asks opening the door.

"No, no, not at all.What's up?"I ask and gesture for him to sit down.

"I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me?"he asks, giving me a smile.

"I would love too.Are we going to eat in the cafeteria?"I ask pushing my chair away from my desk.

"No...uh actually I thought we could eat in your office."he says making me nod in agreement.

"Yes, of course , we'll get lunch and then come back."I say and to stand up.

"Wait! actually I already brought lunch for us."he says, walking out of the door and picking something up next to him.

He walked back in with two trays and the smell of my favourite food immediately engulfed me.

"Oh wow thank you so much."I take the tray from him and sit back down.

"I didn't know if you'd agree to lunch and didn't want to make it seem like you couldn't say no so I just uh- you know..."he stutters placing his trays on my desk, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"It's okay.How did you know what my favourite food is?"I ask breaking my chopsticks apart.

"I asked the staff working in the cafeteria.They also told me you haven't had lunch today and were more than happy to let me bring it for you."he explains, sitting down in front of me.

I let out a laugh but nod in understanding.

We eat in comfortable silence till Iroh puts his chopsticks down and pulls out a letter.

"This was sent for you from republic city.I saw it before bringing lunch and thought I might as well bring it to you."he explains placing it in front of my tray.

I put down my chopsticks and wipe my hands on a napkin.

"Thank you so much.I've been waiting for this letter for a long while."I say breaking it open.

Sending letters from here and receiving them normally went relatively quickly but because of us now being in southern waters and with all the spirit attacks it takes a bit longer.

I read the letter quickly and grinned.

"It's from my brother, Mako."I say, looking back at Iroh who nods and carries on eating his noodles.

Mako is telling me about his work as an officer, Bolin's failing pro-bending team, the difficulties future industries is having and Korra's training.

It is such a good feeling to feel like you're still involved in their lives even through you haven't seen them in 6 months and are a whole ocean away from them.

I missed everyone and my home terribly but this was for the better .

And, on the positive side, I finally saw more of the world, which was one of my biggest dreams.

From kyoshi island to the fire nation, where Iroh had the idea to show me around a bit, I saw it all.

I had developed a crush on Iroh in the past few months but never acted on it.

He was way out of my league anyway.

When I read the last bit of the letter I gasped and grinned.

They were all coming to the South Pole in a few days and said that I should join them if I had the time too.

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