39) Unpleasant Pleasantries

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This chapter is based on Episode 7

Sophie POV

"Can you drop me off at Asami's? We should fly over her estate soon."I shout to the front of the bison.

Opal shouts back a 'sure' and I hold onto my bag a bit more tightly.

I look over at Korra and give her a small smile.

"I'll meet you and Mako in a bit. Tell him to meet us at the restaurant I told you about at like 14:00"I say and she nods steadily.

I can sense that she's nervous about seeing the rest of the gang again, which is understandable.

Opal drops me off and soon Asami and I are making our way to the restaurant to meet Mako, Korra and sadly also Prince Wu.

"By the way Asami I lost your plane."I say quickly,"but you probably figured that out already."

She takes her eyes of the road for a few seconds to roll them at me.

"It's only okay because you're going help me build a new one."she grins and it's my turn to roll my eyes.
Fair enough though.

We park the car and quickly make our way into the restaurant.

"Mako!"I call out and quicken my steps.

His face lightens up from his frown (which was definitely caused by Prince Wu) and he takes a few steps towards me.

I give him a tight hug and start to explain a bit of what happened in Zaofu.

After Korra greets everyone and, survives anther one of Wu's terrible attempts to flirt, we sit down.

I slide into the booth after Asami and Mako takes a seat next to me.

"I thought it was just going to be the four of us."Asami whispers harshly.

"Sorry, I couldn't ditch him, but he promised to be on his best behaviour."Mako replies and I let out a snort.

"Hey, pop into the avatar state for me. I want to see your already bright eyes glow."Wu flirts and runs a hand through his hair.

"No!"Korra replies causing Wu to sulk and look at me as I'm sitting directly opposite him.

"Soo Sophie-"Wu starts
"No."Mako glares at him and shakes his head.

"Okay. Fine she already bagged a good looking prince anyway."Wu quickly says and takes a sip from his drink.

"So can you go into the avatar state again? I was worried when you told me you couldn't."Asami frowns.

"Wait. When did she tell you she couldn't?"Mako asks and looks at them,"What's going on between you two?"

"I wrote to Asami while I was away. I asked her not to tell you. I'm sorry."Korra apologises and Mako looks at me.

"Well why didn't you ever write to me? Or Bolin ? Or Sop- well I assume you didn't write to her."he says and I shake my head.

Well I mean I got one letter at like the beginning but eh let's not count that.

"I don't know. I guess I didn't know what to say."

"A hello would have been nice."he sulks and I nudge him from under the table and shake my head.

Not the time.

"Mako, if it makes you feel any better, she didn't write to me either."Wu sighs.

I give him a bad look,"oh my word shut it."

"I'm sorry I didn't stay in touch, but I'm back now and I want to know everything about what's been going on with you three."Korra says and gives me a look.

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