Today Is The Day

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Chapter 8
*Meredith POV*

*1 week later*

I wake up next to Derek and he's smiling. "I'm going back to work today. Today is the day. I can feel it." He says excitedly.

"I'm happy for you." I say. We kiss and get out of bed. When I begin to get dressed I realize I'm already showing. So even though I've already told people, it's still on the down low. Which means now I actually have to make an announcement.

"Derek come here. Am I showing?" I ask, this question is equivalent to the question: does this dress make me look fat?

"No, not that I can tell anyway." He says. I can tell he's lying. I lift up my shirt to let him feel the teeny tiny bump.

"How about now?" I ask.

"Okay maybe now. But that just makes you even more beautiful." He says. To make me feel better he gets down and kisses my tummy "I love you little baby," he says the the little person growing inside me.

Once we get to work I see Alex and Christina talking, "What's going on?" I ask.

"Today is the day. I'm proposing. Mer, Jo is on your service today right?" Alex asks.

"Yeah, I think so." I tell him.

"Well if you get any big cases today, I need you too keep her off of them. I know you and Robbins have a surgery scheduled today, right after that can you tell Jo to go to the residents lounge?" He asks me.

"No problem. Good luck." I tell him.

Alex is going to bring Jo to the middle of the hospital, tell her how much he loves her, then he's going to get down on one knee and propose.

I meet up with Arizona for our liver transplant on a 13 year old.

Once we get into surgery Arizona happily says, "So, Meredith, I hear a congratulations are in order!"

"For wha-oh nevermind. Thank you." I say, laughing, at first I didn't know what she meant.

"How far along are you?" She asks.

"11 weeks and 2 days." I say.

"Dr. Grey, you're pregnant? Congratulations!" Wilson says.

"Thank you, Jo." I tell her.

Once we're scrubbing out I tell Wilson to go exactly where Alex wanted me to tell her.

*Alex POV*

Today is the day. Today is the day I'm going to ask the girl I love to spend the rest of her life with me. I got this. What if she's not ready? What if she says no?

Just about a thousand thoughts rush through my head. I'm nervous. I think it's okay to be nervous though.

I'm in the residents lounge and Jo walks in finally. We hug and kiss. "I just rocked a liver transplant with Grey and Robbins. Oh did you know Dr. Grey is pregnant?" She says.

"That's great and yeah I've known for a few weeks." I say.

"Meredith said you needed to meet me here...what's going on?" Jo asks.

"Come with me I need to show you something." I tell her.

We walk into the middle of the hospital surrounded by all of our friends here.

"Jo Wilson, I love you. Being in love with you is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I've always loved you. Even when I was mad at you. I loved you. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life, with you." I begin. Her hands are over her mouth in shock and she begins to tear up.

I get down on one knee, pull a small black box out of my pocket and ask her, "Jo Wilson, will you marry me?"

Tears are streaming down her face. "Yes! Alex, yes!" She tells me.

I put the engagement ring of her finger. And I get back up, I spin her around and kiss her. Everyone around us is cheering and screaming congratulations.

I can't believe I'm going to get married. Especially, to someone like Jo. She's perfect. Even the things that annoy me about her are perfect.

*Meredith POV*

Alex and Jo make an amazing couple. I can't wait for the wedding.

All of a sudden most of the doctors get paged to the ER. My pager is telling me there's been a really bad accident.

As I begin to run speed walk to the ER, along the way, I see Derek, Maggie, Callie, Jackson, and Alex.

"Dude what the hell happened?" Alex says.

"Big accident, that's all I've heard." I tell him.

We get to the ER and our jaws drop.

"All you just gonna stand there like you've never seen an accident of you gonna get off ass and save some lives?" Bailey snaps.

We all rush into action.

Things can go from good to bad in a matter of minutes. You could be having the best day of your life when suddenly it all falls apart. It's the good things in life that make us who we are. It's the bad that changes us.

Author Note:

Just a heads up, the next update is going to be absolutely crazy. A new character I'm going to have (spoiler: she's a victim in the accident), is going to also be in a few more chapters after this next one. I'm glad y'all are enjoying my story, I really enjoy writing!!

~Erin :)

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