We'll Make It

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Chapter 14
*Meredith POV*

Alex and Jo literally just tied the knot and basically every doctor in the room was paged. Apparently there was a fire and a lot of victims.

It's very convenient that whenever there's a crisis...something important is going on.

"Alright everyone. Well, this is what's going to happen. All of us doctors that were paged to the trauma are going to go and everyone else can head to Meredith Grey's house for the reception. My wife and I will join the rest of you once we take care of all our patients." Alex says. He made a pretty quick plan so that's a good thing. I guess he could of actually had that planned as well. Just judging by the fact that most things we do in our personal lives are paused by our jobs.

The wedding wasn't huge, but it was a good size. Alex and Jo both had old friends there too so most of our non doctor friends are at my house right now. I'm hoping they have manners being they will be at a strangers house.

When we get back to Grey Sloan, the Pitt is a madhouse. There's tons of patients, lots of burn victims..obviously.

*Jo POV*

I can't believe I'm married. Like Alex Karev is my husband. Today I married the love of my life and within 30 minutes, we're back at work. That's not a shock.

I've never seen so many burn victims. This is..this is horrifying. But I can't wait to scrub in on one of these.

"Jo you're with me. I figured we could use the alone time." Alex says.

My face quickly brightens. I smile and we head to the OR. Our patient is a 17 year old male. Burns on legs and firearms. Crush injury to abdomen.

"Let's try and get this one quick. But I promise we'll make it before the end of the reception." He says.

"I can't imagine a better way to spend the beginning of our life together than in the OR." I tell him. He smiles. Before we put our masks on we quickly kiss. It's soft. It's like a habit. Like we're going to do it every day for the rest of our lives. And that makes me smile even more.

We get in there and Alex quickly pages Meredith as a general surgeon. He needs help in there. Dr. Avery is working on the skin.

*Meredith POV*

I'm in the OR with Wilson and Alex. Or as I should say now, Karev and Karev. That makes me laugh in my head.

This surgery is going to take a few hours. And Arizona is swamped as well. I don't think they'll make it in time. But we'll see.

"Honeymoon in the OR, huh?" I say. Just trying to make small talk.

They both laugh. "Dr. Grey, when you and Dr. Shepherd got married, where was your honeymoon?" Jo asks.

"This OR." I say and we all laugh.

"This is gonna be the rest of your life, you know? Our anniversaries, birthdays, Christmases, and everything else that normal people do are probably going to be spent in an OR." Alex says.

"As long as we're not on the table, I'm perfectly okay with that." She says.

They really are meant to be. Although, we thought that about Izzie & Alex too. But we were younger then, we're older now.

"You know, I can get another pediatric surgeon in here, and you two can get to that reception. God knows what's going on at my house right now." I tell them.

"We'll make it in time. There shouldn't be a whole lot left to do." Alex says.

Another hour or so passes before we're ready to close. Jackson finished his part not very long either. So he's either in the Pitt or at my house.

"I can close. You two get that reception." I tell them.

"Thanks Mer, I owe you one." Alex tells me.

Literally the entire surgery fetus was kicking, I'm sore, tired, my feet hurt, my back hurts. All I want to do I lie down. And have sex. But mostly lie down.

I almost fall asleep when I'm getting back into my dress. And I meet up with Derek, we grab Zola and Bailey to take them to the reception as well. It's already 7 pm and we're not on call anymore. That's an upside.

We finally get back home at least 20 minutes later. The house isn't wrecked so that's good. We take the kids to our "Child Section" for the reception.

Derek and I finally take a breath. We sit down and begin to eat a little food. I'm starving, well I'm always starving, but I've barely had any food all day. A slow song plays and Alex and Jo finally have their dance. You can see the love they have for each other in their eyes. It's beautiful. Love is a beautiful thing. I'm so hormonal, oh my God.

Everyone with a date to the wedding joins Alex and Jo in the slow dancing. Derek and I sway there, back and forth. The baby begins to kick, Derek puts his hand on the bump.

I look around, everything is happy and calm for once. Alex and Jo are holding each other like no one else is there. It's just them. I look into Derek's eyes and everything melts away. It's as if there's no one around us. There's no one bothering us. There's no one dying.

I break away from Derek and grab his hand to take him somewhere private. We go into the backyard. There's no one out there so I melt into him. We lock lips until we have to come up for air. Derek bends down and kisses the baby bump. "I can never tell you how much I love you. I love you so much words will never describe it. God, Meredith. I knew it the day I saw you in the bar. I'm in love with you." Derek tells me. It makes me cry actually. "There's only 3 words you have to tell me to remind me how much you love me: I love you." I tell him.

We re join everyone back inside and Alex is giving a speech: "I want to thank Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd, for one, letting us borrow their house for the night. And two, for being two people that I think show everyone what true love is. And I'd also like to thank my beautiful wife, for being the most amazing woman on the face of the Earth." He says. Alex isn't big about his feelings, so that means a lot. The night goes on until the party fades, everyone goes home. And Derek and I are alone.

We live everyday of our life remembering our mistakes. Our mistakes are the reason we are who we are today. But making mistakes are the only way to one day realize, you're doing it right. The days you realize you're doing it right, are the days you never forget.

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