Till Death Do Us Part

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Chapter 41
*Amelia POV*

"What do you mean the set up isn't happening tomorrow?!" My wedding is in less than 24 hours and I no longer have a venue or whatever the hell they call it.

"I got a call that something went wrong during communication at the place. So they said they can fix it but it's not going to happen at the right time." Owen says.

"No that's not going to work! The preacher dude was going to be here at 1:30, we can't get a new one just like that." I say.

This is a disaster. An actual disaster. I just wanted one thing in my freaking life to not be messed up. And of all days for shit to hit the fan, it's my wedding!

"Great, so there's no wedding happening. We came here for nothing." Nancy smirks. I've about had it to here with her.

"Get the hell out of here, you stupid bitch!" I yell.

"I never asked you to come out here. I certainly didn't want you too. The only times I want to see you is in 5 hour increments every other year I visit!" I yell.

"You can't kick me out, this isn't your house." She says.

At that statement, Meredith jumps in, "You're right! It's my house. So well, get the hell out! Go home, go to your hotel I don't give a damn."

Thank God! She's gone. About 20 minutes later Kathleen gets a text from Nancy. She's at the hotel but not going home yet.

"What are we going to do about tomorrow?" I ask Owen.

"I don't-I don't know." He says with the sound of defeat in his voice.

"There's gotta be something we can do? Right?" I ask optimistically.

"Yeah I just don't know if we can do it tomorrow." He says.

"But every from out of town is in town! My mom flew all the from New York. Your mom is coming tomorrow." I say hopeful he has an idea.

"We'll figure something out. Okay? You know it's late, all of us should get some sleep. We can wake up early then get back on the drawing board. Got it?" Meredith says.

"Just forget about it. What the hell is the point." I say as I storm off into my room. I guess I'm not getting married.

*Meredith POV*

Amelia just stormed off into her room. What she doesn't know is that I can figure something out. I always will, I always have, I always do.

But for right now I think the best we can do is just get some rest. We can come up with a plan in the morning. I mean Derek and I got married on a post it then 2 years later got married in a courthouse. A wedding can be anywhere. Backyards, living rooms, resident lounges, churches, courtrooms; anywhere.

Derek and I get into bed. "That was a rollercoaster." I say to him.

"Yeah it was. Any idea on how to fix this?" He asks me.

I giggle a little. "Of course I do. I'm genetically engineered to have a back up plan for when shit hits the fan."

He smiles and pulls me in for a kiss.

I'm too tired to have sex right now so I just fall asleep. Slowly and then all at once.

I wake up to the baby monitor like usual. But Amelia got to get first. Amelia turns around with teary eyes. She's sad because she thinks the wedding is off.

"Hey stop crying. Go to work, then at 11 I need your help on a case." I tell her.

"Why don't you just ask Derek?" She says.

"Derek has his own things." I say.

I don't actually have a surgery for her at 11. I sneak into her closet and grab her dress after she heads to work. I keep it in my trunk.

Derek packs his suit too. This wedding is happening today. I tell Lizzie about my plan and she gets the rest of the wolves to get it on it.

Derek is going to be Owen's best man, and but first he's walking Amelia down the aisle.

The day almost flies by. It's 10:58. I go to the Attendings lounge with Amelia's dress ready and stuff for her hair.

I page her here. Everything set to get her ready.

*Amelia POV*

Meredith is paging me to the Attendings lounge. Why?

I walk in, my sisters, my dress, and a bunch of other supplies is there.

I guess she was right about that back up plan. "Thank you Meredith," I say as I bring her in for a hug.

They do my hair perfectly and my make up. I put on the dress. My heart skips a beat. It all became real. I'm getting married. All the bridesmaids are in there dresses too. Derek walks in with Zola, she's the flower girl.

I haven't seen Owen all day. I stand with Derek around the corner of where the chapel is. All the bridesmaids and groomsmen are there in there spots except Derek who's walking me down. He holds me arm-in-arm.

"You look beautiful." He whispers into my ear. "I won't let you fall." He adds.

The doors of the chapel open. There's a priest. And Owen. His eyes get big and a smile forms over his face when he see's me.

Derek and I walk step by step. Every step closer my heart beats a little bit harder. He hands me off to Owen.

Owen and I hold hands. We begin our vows. Owen starts.

"Amelia, I can't promise you a perfect life. I can't promise that there won't be a disaster. I can promise you me, my love, my life. To have and to hold, from this day forward. I will be there through good times and bad. For rich or for poor. In sickness and in health. I can promise I will love you everyday of my life till death do us part." His vows make a tear escape from my eye.

I begin mine. "Owen, I can only promise you me. I can't give you a happily ever after. We are not fairytale, because we are real and our love isn't the kind of love worth dying for. It's the kind worth living for. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you until the end of time." I say to him.

The priest asks, "Do you, Owen Hunt, take Amelia Shepherd, to be your lawful wife?"

"I do." He responds with a smile.

"Do you, Amelia Shepherd, take Owen Hunt, to be your husband?" He asks me.

"I do." I say with a the biggest smile in the world.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You make now kiss the bride." He says.

Owen puts his hands softly on my cheeks and pulls me in, close. I close my eyes as our lips touch.


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