Stay Alive

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Chapter 32
*Derek POV*

Meredith's water broke. Then she started bleeding. There was so much blood. The ambulance gets here in minutes. Christina is driving my car with Zola and Bailey in it.

How the hell does this stuff keep happening to us?

Meredith begins to regain consciousness. I need her to talk to me.

"Mer, you're awake. How are you feeling?" I ask.

She looks me in the eyes. Her eyes have the look. She thinks she's dying. "Der..ek, if it comes down to her..not me." She chokes out.

"No, no. Meredith you don't get to do this okay? You don't get to die on me. Do you understand me? You're not allowed to die. Because I can't do this with out you. Zola, Bailey, and Ellis; they need their mom. They need you. I need you. I can't do this if you're not doing it with me okay? I can't live without you. So please stay alive." I pour my heart out to Meredith. I need her alive. I can't do anything without her.

Meredith laughs a little and chokes out, "That...would be...the worst..break up ever..right?"

A tear falls from my eye, "Yeah, yeah it would. So, please. Stay alive."

Please don't die on me. The ambulance pulls in, the paramedic opens the door. Arizona, April, and Dr. Wilson all stand there horrified realizing who the patient was.

"You forgot to mention who the patient is!" Arizona screams.

"Meredith Grey, 35 years old, 37 weeks pregnant with possible placental abruption, hypotensive in the field, but has regained some consciousness." The paramedic tells them.

"I want her in Trauma 1 right now, Wilson call the O.R." Arizona orders.

"Derek, what the hell happened?" Arizona asks.

"I don't...I don't know. She was in the living room with Zola and Christina. I walked through the front door, her water broke. I sat her down on the couch went to grab my keys. And she screamed and there was, oh my God there was a lot of blood. Please Arizona, you have to save her." I tell her tearing up just thinking of what my life would be like without Meredith.

"Derek, I'm going to do my best." She tells me. We start heading towards the trauma room when she stops me in front of the door.

"Derek, I can't have you in there okay. I need you to stay in the waiting area. When your daughter is born, Wilson will be sent to tell you and you can see her in the nursery. Then it's time to save Meredith." Arizona tells me.

I feel like I get hit by a semi-truck when I hear the words, "then it's time to save Meredith."

I go to the waiting room. I can't sit still. Not like this. Meredith could die. My unborn child could. Maggie runs up to me in tears.

"Derek!" I hear her say as she pulls me in for a hug.

*Arizona POV*

How the hell can I do this? I mean I know how to save the baby and Meredith, but what if I can't?

We finally get into the OR. You are Arizona Robbins. You can do this. You can do this.

I open her up for a C-Section.

*Christina POV*

I took Zola and Bailey to the daycare. I need Meredith to stay alive. I need to be okay. I go and find Derek, he's a mess. Maggie Pierce is with him, so I join too.

Derek paces back and forth. Wiping the tears from his eyes.

*Arizona POV*

I almost have the baby out safely. I cannot lose Meredith Grey or Meredith Grey's daughter or both, Meredith Grey and her daughter.

I get the baby out safely. Thank God for that.

"Wilson, go tell Derek his daughter is alive and she's healthy and she's heading up to the nursery." I tell her. I can take a breath knowing at least her baby is alive.

I begin to get control of this bleeding. It's just that...there's so much of it. Suddenly, her pressure drops and her heart rate goes down.

*Jo POV*

Just breathe in and out Jo. You can do this. It's just Derek Shepherd you're going to be talking to. Derek Shepherd is just a man who's wife happens to be almost close to dying. He just happens to own the hospital you work at. All you're telling is that his daughter is alive and his wife is barely hanging on.

Surrounding Derek is his sister Amelia, Christina Yang, and Maggie Pierce.

"Derek, your daughter is alive. She's healthy, I can take you to the nursery and you can see her." I tell him. Is face reliefs and he pulls me tight for a hug.

*Arizona POV*

"Dammit, Meredith. Dammit." I whisper under my breath.

Her heart stops. "Dammit she's coding. Crash cart now!!" I yell.

I charge to 200. Nothing.

To 300. Almost something. Wilson finally goes back.

"What the hell?!"

"Dr. Robbins how long has she been down?" She asks.

"9 minutes." Is my response.

"Oh God...Dr. Robbins, how much more can we do?" She says.

"No, no. Do you know who this is? This is Meredith freaking Grey!" I begin.

I charge again to 300.

"Meredith, I swear to God, if you don't get your act together I will bring you back just to kick your ass for leaving behind 3 beautiful children and a husband who can't live without you!" I yell at her unconscious body. Hoping somehow she can listen to me subconsciously.

After another charge to 350, her heart starts. Her pressure stabilizes.

Alex busts into the OR.

"I got here as soon as I could." He sounds like he just ran a marathon.

"We're almost done actually. She's going to be okay. Wilson go talk to Derek." I tell her.

*Derek POV*

I hold my daughter in my arms. I never want to let her go. It's been hours since I got an update on Meredith. Ellis looks like me a little, just with her eyes. But she's beautiful and when I see her, I see Meredith too.

Alex and Wilson walk into the nursery. "She's going to be just fine. Dr. Robbins will be in here when she finishes." Wilson tells me. Oh thank God. Thank God!

*Arizona POV*

I finally got control of the bleeding. Thankfully there was no major damage to her uterus either. So, Meredith and Derek can still have more kids. But after this one, I don't know if they'll want more.

I close up and have her sent to recovery. On my way to see Derek, I run into Callie.

"Oh come here," she says as she pulls me in for a hug.

"Meredith Grey almost died in my OR." I tell her. I find Derek in the nursery holding his daughter.

He stands up quickly and safely puts Ellis in her crib. "Where is she? Can I see her?" He asks anxiously.

"She's in recovery. You can also bring little Ellis with you too." I say.

He tears up a little as he hugs me. He almost lost Meredith and his daughter in one day. In one day, the ground beneath him almost completely fell apart. "Thank you, Arizona." He tells me.

I smile and bring him to Meredith's room.

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