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Chapter 15
*Meredith POV*

It's 5 am. Derek and I have 30 minutes to get up for work. But we're already up. I'm almost at 20 weeks. We have an ultrasound today. I have a feeling about this one. I don't know why. I don't know if it's good or bad. I just have a feeling.

"We have 30 minutes, you know?" Derek says.

I laugh, "Yes, we do have 30 minutes."

"So are we-" I cut him off and pull him close and before I know it, I'm intensely kissing him. My hormones are making me want to have sex all the time...well it's not just the hormones.

My bump literally keeps on growing and the more it grows the lessens how far we can go. It's kinda annoying actually. But in a few more months it'll all be worth it.

"So what do you think we might find out today?" I ask Derek.

"Maybe if it's a boy or girl." He says.

"What do you want...boy or girl?" I ask.

"Well..I don't really know. We already have a girl and boy. So it doesn't make much of a difference to me. He or she will be perfect to me." He says.

"What about names...?" I say.

"That is one thing we haven't thought of, huh?" Derek says.

"Nope." I reply.

"Let's do this, we'll wait to see if it's a boy or girl and go from there." Derek tells me.

We both get dressed. I stare into the mirror at my belly. None of my favorite clothes fit me. Well, they haven't fit me for a while but today it's just annoying me. So I throw on some of the clothes I wore when I was pregnant with Bailey.

Derek looks hot today. The his hair and his eyes..they just make him look hot. God I need help.

I get into work and I see Amelia and Bailey talking about a patient. They're arguing over whether Bailey should repair the perfed bowel or Amelia should fix the head injury.

"Grey come here," Bailey calls me over.

"What now?" I ask...kinda annoyed. I don't want to be dragged into this.

"Just tell me what you think, who should operate first? Look at this bowel." She begins to say when Amelia interrupts. "Hey hey hey, look at the epidural hematoma"

The size of that epidural isn't huge. But it's still a bleed. And the patient is stable. "Fix the head first. The patient is stable. When Amelia gets done you can fix the bowel." I tell them.

"Ugh fine" Bailey laughs, she knows I'm right. Just doesn't want to admit it.

The rest of the day isn't very exciting. I did a whipple with Richard. Then I sort of took it easy. Baby wouldn't stop kicking.

I meet back up with Derek a couple hours later.

We get to OB for the appointment and some random OB resident is doing the ultrasound. Derek's holding my hand so we're just waiting to find out whatever it is we're going to find out. I'm a little nervous and I have the same unknown feeling as this morning.

"Ready to take a look?" The OB says.

Derek and I both answer yes.

"Aw, hey there little person" I say.

Derek's really happy.

"Yeah, she's doing really good. Everything is going exactly how it's supposed to." The OB says.

Did she just say "she"?

"She?" Derek asks.

"Oh crap. I'm sorry about that. You're having a girl. I'm really sorry, I'm new at this." The OB apologizes.

Derek tells her it's okay.

I look at him with a bright smile. "We're having a girl!!!" I say excitedly.

"Yes we are!" Derek says excitedly just like me. He kisses me and we get a picture of the ultrasound.

After a long day Derek and I sit down with Zola and Bailey to tell them the news.

"So, mommy and I have something to tell you two." Derek begins.

"What is it?" Zola asks eagerly.

"We found out if we're having a boy or girl!" I tell her.

"I want a sister" Zola says. That makes Derek and I both laugh.

"Well, you're going to get one!" Derek tells her.

Zola is really happy that we're having a girl. She wanted a little sister when I was pregnant with Bailey.

We put the kids to bed and Derek and I drift off while thinking of baby names.

Author Note:

Hey everyone! Just want to remind you all I won't be able to update again till Wednesday. So I hope what I'm leaving you with will hold you over haha. Anyway, thank you all for enjoying my story it makes me really happy! Have a nice week!

~Erin :)

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