Thanksgiving Isn't Our Thing

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Chapter 28
*Meredith POV*

If you grew up in a stable home as a child, you know how holidays work. You know that on Thanksgiving you sit around a big table with your family and talk about what you're thankful for. If you grew up with Ellis Grey as your mother, then your Thanksgivings were spent in an OR Gallery or in a hospital daycare center. There's no well cooked food, no deep family moments. There's no holidays.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.

"This is kind of late but, maybe we could have some of our friends over here tomorrow?" Derek asks me as he wraps his arms around me.

"I have yet to buy a turkey. And Zola is getting old enough to remember holidays. So I need this one to not be disastrous."

"But I'll see who wants to come over." I add.

In the lounge, Alex, Maggie, and Jackson are in there.

"Hey what are you guys doing tomorrow?" I ask.

"Nothing. Thanksgiving isn't our thing." Alex says.

Jackson says he and April don't have plans. And Maggie says, "No plans."

"Okay well, Derek and I are having a 'Thanksgiving dinner'. So if you want free food, you knew where to find it." I say.

I pass Richard in the halls on my way during rounds, "Hey Dr. Webber, Derek and I are having a Thanksgiving thing at our house if you're not doing anything, you should come by." I say.

After rounds Arizona pages me for a consult. "Hey, I got this kid with a small bowel obstruction."

I look at the scans. "This kid swallowed a toy turkey." I say.

"Well, I guess this would be the appropriate time of year for that." Arizona says.

Ooh I should invite them too. "Are you and Callie doing anything tomorrow for Thanksgiving?" I ask.

"Eh, I don't know."

I tell her about mine and Derek's plans.

Mine and Arizona's bowel obstruction doesn't take too terribly long. I have an Appy next. I honestly just want to get off my feet. I page Edwards because she's my resident.

"Have you ever performed a solo surgery?" I ask her.

"No ma'am, Dr. Grey." She says. I can tell in her eyes that she wants too. I heard Ben Warren won the solo surgery comp this year.

"Today is your lucky day. You are taking my Appy that's in 2o minutes. Get Mr. Easton prepped." I tell her.

Thankfully I all I have to do is sit down and read a magazine.

"Edwards, what are your plans tomorrow?" I ask he after the appy.

"Not sure. Thanksgiving isn't my thing" she says.

I tell her what I've been telling everyone else. She said if she's not working she would love to come by.

I get home with a turkey and trying to find out how to do this. Amelia walks through the kitchen. "You bought a turkey?"

"Yep." I say.

"Do you know how to cook a turkey?" She asks.

"Nope. It shouldn't be that hard right?" I ask.

"Use google." Amelia laughs.

Hopefully I can learn before tomorrow.

*Thanksgiving Day*

There's going to be 14 total at my house tonight. It would've been 16 but Bailey and Ben are with family.

I have the adult table set up with 11 seats. The kid table that Zola has set up has 3 seats.

The day goes on, Amelia and Derek had to run to the hospital and left me to monitor the turkey. I have one job, don't burn the food. I think I can handle that.

I go to the bathroom and I sort of just sit there for a while. I fall asleep and when I wake up I hear a beeping noise coming from the kitchen. Dammit the food!

I wash my hands and run out there, Zola sits on the couch watching cartoons.

"Dammit!" I yell. I look at the half burnt turkey. I had one job.

"What's wrong mommy?" Zola asks.

"Nothing, nothing's wrong." I say. I start crying and call Derek. I go into our room so Zola doesn't see.

"Meredith what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I-I fell a-asleep. And the-the turkey burnt." I say sobbing.

Derek laughs on the phone. "Meredith don't worry, I have a back up plan."

I cry a little more, just disappointed in myself. I'm a terrible mom. I can't even stop a turkey from burning.

I try and salvage the turkey the best I can. But there's no hope. Maggie walks in with pizza, a box of beer, and juice boxes.

"I am Derek's back up plan." She laughs.

"Oh thank God." I say.

We watch cartoons with Zola and Bailey until more people begin to show up. Everything is ready, kind of.

Alex, Jo, and Stephanie all show up together. "We have half a turkey, pizza, beer and juice." I announce when they get here.

"That sounds more like it." Alex laughs.

Derek walks in and all I really want to do is lie down with him.

"Told you I had a back up plan. Thanksgiving isn't our thing." He laughs.

It's a miracle everyone is here. The food we have smells really good. Besides the burnt portions of the turkey. I drink juice along with the kids. Everyone else has beer except April, which makes me wonder.

Zola taps me on the shoulder and whispers, "When do we talk about what we're thankful for?"

"Uhmm...Right now. Zola reminded me that it's time to talk about what we're thankful for." I announce.

The kids table is right next to ours so Zola starts is off. "I'm thankful for cartoons, my koala bear, and mommy & daddy." She says. That makes me smile. Bailey fell asleep eating. Sophia says she's thankful for her mommies.

Now it's time for the adults. Derek starts off, "I'm very thankful for my wonderful family, my job, and all of you."

"I'm thankful for everything we have here today. That we're all healthy. Also my amazing husband and children."

Alex says he's thankful for his hot wife, Jo is thankful she doesn't live in a car. Stephanie is thankful she has people to hang out with this year.

Everyone else goes on about what they're thankful for. When it becomes April's turn, she looks at Jackson and he smiles and puts his arm around her.

"I am thankful for my amazing husband," she begins. "And...that I am pregnant!" She announces.

The whole table erupts in smiles and congratulations.

I'm really happy for them. That's amazing news. The rest of dinner consists of talking about cool surgeries we've performed and eating more pizza.

Holidays are meant to be spent with the people you love. They are only as good as you make them. Even if they get a little disastrous. Break traditions. Start new ones. Mess up a little, change things up.

Author Note:

Yes I am very well aware it is July, for those wondering. So instead of the eating burgers at Alex's house, it's pizza and beer at Derek and Meredith's. Because after all, this is how I picture things happening had those quacks saved Derek. Anyway, I'd just like to thank each and every one of you who reads my story. It honestly means the world to me that all of you like. ❤️❤️

~Erin :)

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