Death Toll

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Chapter 71
*Meredith POV*

Catastrophes happen everyday. Somewhere, near or far. You always hear about them. But the thing is you never really expect the catastrophes to happen to you, to someone you know, to someone you love. What will you do when the catastrophe hits home?

I'm on my way home after a long day, but I get a page. And it stops me in my tracks. For just a moment, the Earth stands still.

There was a confirmed Terror Attack in Seattle. My heart pounds very hard.

Where are my kids? Where is my husband?

I turn around walking fast heading to go change back into scrubs. I call Derek, "Derek, where are the kids? Where are you? Are you okay?" I ask in a panic.

"Meredith, slow down, slow down. What's going on? What's wrong?" He doesn't know.

"Didn't you get the page? Derek there was a terror attack in Seattle." I tell him.

"Oh my God...." he says shocked.

"What are we going to do with the kids? I don't want them to be with a sitter during this but what if the hospital is the next target?" I ask frantically.

"Just breathe, okay. I'm going to take the kids with me, I'll take them to the daycare. They'll be okay, don't worry." He reassures me.

*Jo POV*

I've never been in more pain in my entire life. Can I get that damn epidural now?

Alex walks back into the room...something is wrong. He's very spaced out. I know something is wrong.

"Alex, what is it? What's wrong?" I ask.

"What? Nothing. Nothing is wrong. Don't worry about anything. Everything is..okay." He tells me.

"Alex, don't lie, I know something is wrong!" I demand an answer.

"There...there was a terror attack. In the middle of the city. You know that park...where there's usually a lot of..of kids. And families." He tells me with a somber voice.

My heart breaks. "Ho-how many casualties? Do-do they have any information? Where are the people who did it?" I ask frantically.

"Death toll is at 8 right now, and its estimated to be rising. But don't worry about anything, okay? The only thing you need to worry about is Ashton." He tries to tell me.

Tears fall from my eyes. Everything I've ever been scared of with bringing a child into the world is happening. Alex walks over and holds my hand.

"I'm never going to let anything hurt her, and you know I'll never let anything hurt you." He tells me and I calm down.

But it doesn't last for long because I get a painful contraction.

Dr. Ryan, the OB/GYN comes in to check on me to see how far I've progressed.

"Well it looks like you're dilated to 7 cm and fetal heartbeat is strong, but you've progressed way too fast, the epidural won't have enough time to kick in."

"So I'm going to give birth, with no epidural?" I ask, making sure I understand what I'm hearing.

"Jo, honey, you're gonna give birth and you're gonna get the best gift life has to offer. A baby. With no epidural. But that's not the part that matters." She says.

Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm going to give birth. During a terror attack. With no epidural. But I'm going to meet my baby girl. So it's all okay.

Alex kisses my forehead. Dr. Ryan leaves and she's going to check back in soon.

"Wait, Alex, you're not leaving right? I cannot do this without you. said there were a lot of kids in the attack." I ask.

"There were. They're still triaging. I'm not on the OR rotation either. what I've been told the majority of the victims haven't survived." He explains.

"So there's more than 8?" I realize.

"Yes. But I don't want you to worry about it. Okay? It's over. The people who did it were killed during the explosion. So nothing else is going to happen." He tells me.

It's hard to try and be okay. It's especially hard to fight a light in the darkness.

*Meredith POV*

I'm going to assist Owen on a surgery, we have a 19 year old girl, was having a picnic date in the park when the explosion went off.

Her body can't handle the anesthesia much longer. "We need to go to damage control Hunt, she can't take it much longer."

"You're right. Let's pack her and get her to the ICU. I can finish this up here if you need to go." He offers.

"I'm going to swing by the daycare then head to the Pitt." I say.

I get to the daycare as fast as I can. I see the kids with Derek. "Hey Zo-Zo how are you doing sweetie?"

"Mama I'm scared" she tells me.

I hug her tight. "Don't ever be scared sweetie. Okay? I won't let anyone hurt, okay?"

Derek and I both get paged back to the Pitt. I hug all 3 of them tight before I leave.

*Jo POV*

It's past midnight I've been in labor for so many hours now. And I'm only dilated to an 8.

Every contraction is more and more painful. They last longer and longer.

Alex leaves the room because I tell him to go help out in any way he can and if page him when the time is closer.

But I'm left alone with my thoughts and fears. I read about the death toll on the news. It's been rising every hour. More bodies found. Dying at the hospital.

It stresses me out and I'm trying not to have an anxiety attack. Steps walks into my room, "How's my favorite soon to be mama" she laughs.

Before I can say anything I start to cry. "I don't know how to do this. I can't keep her safe. Steph what do I do? I don't know what to do. I don't know how to be a mom. Or how to keep her safe." I begin to vent.

"Jo Wilson look at me. You are going to be a great mother. Do you understand? You won't be able to shield her from the world. You won't be able to keep her from scraping her knees when she falls off a bike for the first time. But you'll be there to pick her up, and wipe her tears, and you'll make her get back on that bike." Stephanie tells me looking me in the eye.

"But Stephanie, I can't save her from a bomb going off at the park!" I try not to break down anymore.

"No but we live in a country where men and women are fighting to make sure stuff like that doesn't happen. And they're going to keep getting better at fighting it." She tells me.

I wipe my tears and thank her for being real with me while I break down.

Dr. Ryan walks in to check me again, "Well you're almost at a 9, you're going to meet her very very soon!"

I take a deep breath. I'm going to get to meet her. She's going to be in my arms. She's going to be mine.

*Meredith POV*

The Pitt begins to calm down. The park were the bomb went off wasn't too largely populated but it's enough to where the death toll hits you hard.

A few more ambulances are set to come in. They are 7 minutes out. The phone rings. And a receptionist answers.

"Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital" she speaks.

Her face goes pale and blank. She drops the phone.

"We need to call the SWAT or the national guard or I don't know someone. They said, if the hospital keeps accepting victims, the hospital will be the next target." She announced with trembling fear.

After the lightning strikes. After the world stops moving. What do you do? How will the death toll affect you when the catastrophe hits home? Will you risk your life to save another? Or, will the life you save, be your own.


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