In My Arms

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Chapter 56
*April POV*

It's all becoming so real. They're coming, little Allison and James. The contractions start coming and it hurts so bad but it's worth it. It's so worth it.

"I'll call get the OB and have them set up a room," Jackson says. Before that I go to the bathroom and pee like I've never peed before, it feels so strangely relieving.

*Meredith POV*

There's another patient I get paged for. I go down too Trauma 1, there's so many GSW's it's insane. He has a head lac and is bleeding from the chest so I page neuro and cardio as well.

The police walk in, he must've been the shooter. "Excuse me Dr, we wondering how long all this will take? We need to question him." The man says.

"I'll need CT's before that happens, and if he's still stable then we can ween him off the sedation." I tell him.

"Thank you," he says as he leaves.

This kid can't be more than 17 years old, and he's just ruined the rest of his life. It's so sad.

We get him up to CT and Derek and Maggie are already there, there's a bullet that went through and through and it scraped the left ventricle.

His abdomen isn't as bad on the inside as it appears on the out, so we're going to let the police question him now.

We wait outside the door, "Why did you walk into your high school today with a gun and shoot innocent students? What was the purpose?" The officer asks harshly.

The kid isn't saying anything, since the abdomen isn't as bad, they're going to start on his heart surgery first. There was only really minor damage to him, just a lot of blood.

I walk by an on call room and hear arguing, I peak my head back and I see Jo and Alex going at it..."I told you I was going to be on call all night!" Alex says to Jo. "No you told AN intern to tell me! And then you didn't even have the 'time' to return any of my calls or texts!" I hear Jo yell, I walk away quickly into the attendings lounge.

I see a puddle of water on the I just walk away from that.

We all get an emergency page from Owen. Alex and Jo look like they're pissed at each other but he can't keep his eyes off of her. Jackson comes up to Owen and whispers something, "good news first, April Kepner is having her babies." He begins.

"Now to what I paged you all here for...there was another attack. The authorities have informed me that it appears to be related to our shooting. The difference is, there were bombs at the same school. I know this will be intense, and I'm asking a lot right now. But we need to stay strong and prep for the incoming. All other non emergent patients will be transferred elsewhere." He says and the room stays silent.

*April POV*

The contractions hurt so bad. It hasn't been but an hour or two and I'm already dilated to an 8. Jackson comes in with a flustered face.

"Babe what's wrong?" I ask him.

"There were bombs. At the same school. Two attacks in less than 12 hours." He says.

I can't even react because I get another contraction, the doctor walks in...with Jackson's mom.

"What are you doing here?" He asks quickly.

"I happened to be in the neighborhood," she says. Jackson goes back and forth with her but it's all white noise to me.

The doctor examines me and tells us it's time. I don't know if I'm nervous or scared or excited. Everything all at once.

"It'll be okay, April, I'm gonna be right here holding your hand. It'll hurt but then they'll both be here." He tries to encourage me. Allison & James, I finally get to meet them.

I begin to push, it hurts so bad oh my God. I begin praying. Praying that they're healthy, that they're safe.

I squeeze Jackson's hand like my life depends on it. The OB is telling me she can see the head. Almost there. We're almost there.

After a few more long agonizing minutes, I see him. I see my son. The doctors wipe him off first before handing him to me and Jackson gets to cute the cord. I don't get to hold him yet.

It's time to meet Allison now. After a few more minutes and almost breaking Jackson's hand, she's here.

Welcome to the world, James Harper Avery & Allison Nicole Avery.

I'm holding both of them now, and it's perfect. Them. Their daddy. This moment. Everything about it. It's just perfect. When I hold them in my arms I know they're safe, when Jackson holds them, I know they're safe.

Jackson is holding Allison, and I can see just how much he loves her. James has Jackson's eyes, it's the prettiest sight in the whole world. I only wish Samuel was here with us.

Our family feels complete, but still like something is missing. There's always going to be that missing piece, but I know Samuel is with God and he's going to watch over his little brother and sister.

"I love you so much April." Jackson tells me as we kiss.

"And I love you buddy, and you little missy. I love you both so much." Jackson says shedding a tear.

*Meredith POV*

We were expecting there to be another mass causality coming in, there were a lot of investigators, students, and parents still at that school. But it's been about an hour since we got the report. We've had 2 patients come in...both bled out before we could get them in the OR.

We sit. And we wait. Derek gets out of surgery and brings me in for a long protective hug and he kisses me on the head.

All the attendings are here except for the few that are still in surgery. "Anyone have an update on Kepner and Avery?" Owen asks.

"I got a text from April about an hour ago, the twins are beautiful. Little James has Jackson's eyes!" Arizona says.

All of us that are close friends with them head up to see them. Jo and Alex are back to being lovey dovey so I guess they made up. We walk into the room, April holds her daughter and Jackson his son.

*April POV*

All of our friends come in to meet Little Allison and James. They all gush over how cute they are, how much both of them look like us. This is happiness. "Who's older?" Meredith asks, "James is 7 minutes older," I smile.

Everyone stays for like 20 more minutes, then I hold them both in my arms. They look at each other and laugh and play. They're built in best friends.

Author Note:

I love this chapter so much tbh!! I can't wait to write more about little Allison and James Avery. Also, please comment what you think the gender of Baby Jolex should be!! (I already have name ideas for boy or girl...just can't decide) PS you're going to find out the gender of their baby very soon!! Love you guys so much!

-Erin :)

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