All I Want For Christmas

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Chapter 31
*Meredith POV*

Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year for a surgeon. The stupidity of the human race. The time of year most commonly spent with family, we spend saving lives.

It's Christmas eve. I haven't finished shopping. I'm 2 and a half weeks from my due date. Derek insists I take it easier. Considering what happened last time..that's not the worst idea.

I roll over to put my arms around Derek. "Morning." I laugh.

"C'mon we have a lot to get done today. We need to get up." I say.

"Mer, the kids are asleep. Amelia is at Owen's, Yang is probably asleep too. And we're up." Derek tells me.

We begin kissing and I take his shirt off.

Before I know it, Christina is in the kitchen laughing because she can tell what we're doing. "Mer, I'm in your kitchen and there's like no food." She yells.

We both get out of bed and I sort of wobble. I swear we are not having another kid after this one.

"Where's all the food?" Christina asks.

I think for a second. I bought a bunch of food 3 days ago. "I probably ate it." I tell her.

"I'm starving. There's no doubt you are too. I'm ordering a pizza or waffles or whatever." She says.

Now that I think about it...waffles and pizza don't sound that bad. "How about both."

She runs to a Waffle House or whatever and Pizza Hut. Zola wakes up and brings out a box of cereal from her room. "Zo-Zo, why do you have cereal in your room?"

"I can't sleep knowing Santa is coming tonight. So I ate cereal in my room." She tells me. It's a decent reason.

"Okay, well tonight you need to go to sleep."

"No promises." She responds and that makes me laugh.

Christina comes back with the food, and I devour 2 waffles and 3 slices of pizza.

"So for Thanksgiving, I burnt a turkey so Maggie brought pizza, beer, and juice boxes." I tell Christina.

"Can we do that again?" She says.

"That's the plan." I laugh.

Amelia comes back from Owen's trailer and Maggie comes to my house too. The four of us sit on the couch and hang out.

"That is a really big tree, Mer." Maggie says.

"Yeah we let Zola pick it out." I say.

Bailey plays with his cast from when he broke his leg and Zola lays under the tree like George, Izzie, and I did intern year.

Day turns into night and we have a small Christmas Eve thing. That consisted of fried chicken, juice boxes and beer.

This is all I want for Christmas. This is it. Juice boxes and beer, friends and basically family. I smile because this is all I ever really wanted.

Everyone heads out and it's just the
4 adults and 2 kids that live here left. Amelia and Christina help Derek and I wrap gifts. I'm kind of bad at it.

We finally finish wrapping around 2 AM and everything is under the tree. I hear a crack from Zola's door.

"No, no, no." I whisper as I sort of run towards her door.

"Zola you need to go back to bed." I say

"But I want to see if Santa has been here. You and daddy and Aunt Christina and Aunt Amelia need to sleep too!!!!" She says.

"We will...we just had to finish with with cookies. He'll come if you go to sleep." I re-emphasize.

"Will he bring me toys? And a baby sister." She asks enthusiastically.

"The toys will be there in the morning but your sister will come another night." I say and I kiss her forehead.

"Crisis avoided." I say to Derek when we crawl into bed.

"What do you want for Christmas, Derek?" I ask jokingly.

"All I want for Christmas, is you." He laughs. He's doing his McDreamy smile. I fall asleep looking into his eyes.

I toss and turn around all night. The sun begins to shine through our bedroom window.

Zola runs in and screams, "Santa came! Mommy, daddy! Wake up!!" She jumps in the middle of Derek and I.

"Hi Zo-Zo!" Derek says.

We get out of bed and Zola wakes up Bailey and Amelia and Christina in the process.

Zola loves all her toys. Derek got her little baby scrubs because she wants to be like us. Bailey plays with his too.

Once again day turns to night and everyone who was here for thanksgiving is here for Christmas too.

Derek goes to our room and pulls out something he got for me. I open it up and it's scalpels that are easily 100 years. This is amazing.

I pull out the gift I got for him. A scrub cap with a ferry boat that says McDreamy on it. He loves it. I find Zola, Sophia, Bailey all under the Christmas tree. Being adorable.

They fall asleep there and Callie and Arizona wake Sophia up. Alex and Jo head out with April and Jackson. Amelia is at Owens again. Soon it's just Derek, Christina, Maggie, me and the kids.

We all laugh and talk about old Christmases.

*2 days later*

I got home early. Derek is on his way home. I make Zola a snack. Christina is in the living room with Zola.

I bring Zola the snack I made her and she likes it. Derek walks through the door and I feel my water break.

I bend down at first and Derek rushes towards me. I start to laugh a little.

"Derek, I think my water just broke." I say.

He runs to grab something and I sit down. When I stand up I feel a sharp pain and there's blood. A lot of it.

Everything becomes disoriented. "Zola go to your room and get your shoes okay. Go. Right now." Christina tells her.

"Derek!" She yells.

"What the hell happened!" I hear him say and everything goes black.

Then again, at the end of the day, the life you save may be your own.

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