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Chapter 23
*Meredith POV*

What the hell happened? What in the hell happened to my son? To my little Bailey. What the hell happened?

I see Derek outside a trauma room holding Zola's hand. I head towards him and I'm running.

"Derek! Derek! What happened to him?" I ask anxiously.

He puts his arm on my shoulder, "They said he was climbing on stuff at daycare and he fell down and his the back of his head on hurt his leg really bad." He tells me.

I'm still crying but partially relieved it's not worse than it is.

"H-have we gotten him to get a C.T.? Or...or an x-Ray of his leg? We can use the Lodox and get a full body scan?" I say worried.

Inside the trauma room is Alex, Callie and April.

"Mommy what's wrong? You look scared." Zola says.

"Well, your little brother got hurt at day care, so Mommy is a little scared right now." I tell her.

I hear Bailey cry and I rush into the room. "W-why why did he just scream? Do you know what's wrong? I mean he-he could have a brain bleed a-and his leg is it broken?" I ask all at once.

Callie comes up to me, "Meredith. You're a mom right now, we need you to calm down. Take a breath. Remember that in this hospital are some of the best doctors in the country. We're going to put him in the Lodox once we finish the exam." She says to try and calm me down.

"I'm staying in here. And you can't make me leave." I tell her.

"I know that. Just sit here. Everything will be okay." Callie tells me.

"Promise?" I ask.

"Promise." She smiles and tells me.

I stopped crying but my heart is still beating out of my chest. "It's okay Bailey. Okay? You're going to be okay. Mommy is here, you're safe baby. Mommy is here." He smiles when I talk to him.

"Hey buddy, are you in any pain?" April asks.

"My head and my weg." He says. He said "weg" because he can't say leg yet and that is seriously the cutest thing in the world.

"Okay buddy. We're going to help that. Right now we're going to take you to a special machine and it's going to be really fun." She says.

We all walk to the Lodox. I'm holding Bailey's hand.

Derek and Zola are outside. I hear Arizona, Maggie and Bailey rushing over. I can hear them all outside. "I didn't think it was bad because I didn't get paged. But he's in the freaking Lodox, Alex!" Arizona says. She's kinda right. She's the chief of pediatrics.

"I was trying not to let the entire hospital know that Derek and Meredith's son was hurt." He says.

Wilson and Edwards come running over too. "We got here as fast as we could, when we heard." Jo says.

"Bailey, you need to stay still, okay buddy? Can you do that?" I ask him.

He smiles and nods.

"Spaceship." He tells me. I laugh. "Yes Bailey it's a spaceship."

13 seconds later we have his scans. I'm scared to look and Derek comes in to see his head scan.

He has a face of relief. "Okay, he has concussion. It's minor but of course it's still a concussion." He's relieved he doesn't have to have his sister operate on her nephew.

Right after that Amelia shows up with Richard. They were in surgery I think. "Who wants to explain to me why I wasn't told that my nephew is in the ER?" She asks.

No one has a valid answer.

His leg is broken really bad. When he fell all his body weight, plus the height of the fall was a lot of force onto his teeny tiny leg.

"Okay, to fix his leg, it's not going to be the easiest fix in the world. But I've done worse fixes. So don't worry. We got this. Bailey is going to be okay." Callie tells us.

Since his leg isn't life threatening his surgery will be in a few hours. We get a room in PEDS set up.

Derek and I try to ease our minds. Zola is sitting on the edge of Bailey's bed. "Mommy is Bailey going to be okay?" She asks.

"Yes sweetie, he's going to be okay." I tell her.

Bailey is sleeping and Zola is staring up get tired. "So Bailey thinks he was in a spaceship today" I laugh.

Derek laughs too. "Why does he think he was in a spaceship?" Derek asks.

"Because what's the fun in telling him he's in a Lodox?"

A few hours pass by.

"You really need to eat something." Derek says.

"I'm hungry but I'm not hungry at the same time." I say.

"Mommy when can we go home?" Zola asks.

"Well tonight, we're staying here with your little brother." I tell her.

"Mommy," she says.

"Yeah sweetie," I say.

"I love you. Daddy I love you too." She tells us. Derek and I can't stop smiling.

I put Zola on my lap. She puts her hand on my tummy to feel the baby kick.

She laughs and giggles when she feels the kicks.

Callie walks in and tells us it's time for surgery.

We wheel him down there and once we get the the O.R. Callie says, "Listen, Meredith. I know you want to be in there with him. But you can't. You can be in the gallery or in the waiting room. I know he's your little McBaby, and I promise everything will be okay."

"Okay. Okay. Okay. Can I be outside the O.R.?" I ask.

"Meredith let's go the the gallery, you need to sit down too." Derek tells me.

"Fine." I agree.

Zola sits on Derek's lap and mine and his fingers are entwined. And Callie starts the operation.

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