Home Sweet Home

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Chapter 53
*Amelia POV*

A home isn't just the place where you store your belongings or the place that you live. It's not just a bunch of brick walls and a roof. It's your safe place. Your home is where you come at the end of the day and lay in the arms of the person you love.

We're house hunting today. We finally got another day where we're both off. We never got to look last week cause of the earthquake. We've looked at apartments and houses. Honestly, I'd love a house.

"What do you think about this one?" He asks me.

"I think this is the one." I say.

"You sure?" He asks.

This place is a very strange house. It's broken down for the most part, on the inside at least. The outside is slightly better. But that's the point. We can turn it into something of our own.

"Yes, Owen. This is our home." I tell him.

He smiles cause he knows what I'm thinking. He pulls me close and kisses me.

*Meredith POV*

Derek and I wrangle all the kids into the car and head into work. "What time do you get off tonight?" Derek asks me.

"7 I hope, if my surgery doesn't run long." I say.

"Great." He says with his McDreamy smile.

"What's going on," I ask him.

"Oh ya know I was just thinking since its been a while since we really had alone time." He says.

I laugh, "you're very right."

"Mama, are you and daddy talking about sex?" Zola asks.

Derek and I's faces both go blank. Both in sync we turn around and say "where did you learn that?!"

"Uncle Alex" she says.

"Do you know what sex is?" Derek asks her.

"No, I asked him what it meant and he started to laugh." Zola tells us.

"Okay good. You're not allowed to know what sex is until you're 25. Understand?" I ask her.

"Okay." Zola laughs cause she doesn't have any idea what we're talking about.

Derek drops them off at daycare and I go do rounds on my patients.

Jo is supposed to be my resident today. Not sure where she is. But Ben is also on my service. Alex, Arizona, and I all have the same patient.

"Nicole Johnson, 16 years old, tumor wrapped around liver." Ben presents.

We go over the surgery plan with her and ask her if she has any questions.

"When can I go home?" She asks.

"It won't be very long after the surgery." I tell her.

"That's good. I guess." She says. I've been her doctor since she was first in the ER with stomach pains a month or so ago, she's had to stay here under observation for the past 2 weeks because of how severe the tumor is.

Once we leave the room, Arizona gets paged 911 to ER. I ask Alex where Jo is sense she's been on the case with me.

"Ultras— oh my God. I forgot. If she asks, I didn't forget about it!" He says before he begins to run.

I get a page to the ER as well, mass casualty coming in.

We stand in the ambulance bay, Richard and Bailey are here, along with Arizona, Owen, and Jackson.

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