Chapter 6

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Lan Zhan...was in heaven.

Sweet, hot lips were covering his, sliding across and then Wei Ying pulled his bottom lip into his mouth and sucked.

Lan Zhan was not prepared for this assault on his senses; that fresh, mouthwatering lotus scent was engulfing him, and the even sweeter citrus undertone made it all the richer.

Wei Ying was kissing him like there was no tomorrow and slowly, cautiously, Lan Zhan was learning to kiss him back. He had to be super careful because his new teeth were razor sharp...and this was difficult because he wanted to lose control.

With Wei Ying.

For the first time in his life, here was someone who accepted him. Not only before the "change" but after the "change" too.

Someone who called him sweetheart.

Someone who cared about him.

Enough to want to kiss him like his life depended on it.

And because it did, quite literally, Lan Zhan was cautious.

Instead he concentrated on the multiple sensations swarming his mind.

The feel of Wei Ying in his lap, the soft, comfortable weight of him, so, so warm and precious. That tantalising taste of lotus flowers made even more real, and then the scent! Like a marvellous perfume made especially for him, Lan Zhan felt his nose breathing in huge gulps of this heady aroma, wanting to absorb as much of it as he could.

Wei Ying was making the most delicious sounds too, quiet little moans that were affecting every cell in Lan Zhan’s body.

He had never kissed anyone before...but this...this was something else.

For Wei Ying...he had already been attracted to this gorgeous man...even before he laughed.

That sound? It did something to his insides that he just couldn't explain, and all Wei Ying knew was that he had to kiss him.

No other thoughts remained...not when it was Lan Zhan...

He was everywhere, under his fingertips, under him, those strong thighs supporting his weight, and then...Lan Zhan was kissing him back, and ever so carefully.

That sweetness alone, that in the throes of passion, Lan Zhan was trying to hold on to some kind of control because he knew how dangerous he was? That in itself was a bigger turn on than anything Wei Ying had ever experienced before.

And then it happened.

Quite by accident, Lan Zhan’s tooth nicked Wei Ying’s lip, and there was a groan...neither knew who made the sound but even as Lan Zhan licked it away...he immediately knew the difference.

Two things stood out in his mind as he struggled to make sense of all the information overload.

He was sorry for biting Wei had not been a conscious decision, and only as a result of Wei Ying's lip not moving out of the way fast enough, combined with the super sharpness of his teeth now. Lan Zhan was a hundred percent sure this was a new development.

The second thing was...Wei Ying’s blood was just as gorgeous, just as tasty as he had fantasised about...except...except it was way better than he had first thought.

Not only the taste...but there was a supercharged feeling about it.

The only comparison he could make took him back to a day last year, when Lan Zhan had filled his unleaded car full of super unleaded petrol...and the result simply blew him away.

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