Chapter 97

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11.30 am Sunday

They heard the snarling, savage sounds before they saw them, these feral, violent vampires, half beings not wholly human, and definitely not turned completely, rendering Wei Ying's connection with the HeartStone useless.

Baoshan Sanren quickly pushed the vulnerable humans into the centre of their group and took an offensive stance, on edge.

Both of her swords were out, suspended in the air and ready to kill.

Wei Ying helped Song Lan stand, but even as he went to help him, Song Lan pushed away from him and went to stand next to Xiao XingChen, who side eyed him, before extricating another hidden sword from his back.

"Fuxue!??" Song Lan exclaims in delight, taking it from him.

The sword seems to vibrate with longing and excitement as his two fingers slide across the lethal blade. His gaze is loving and happy.

"You kept it safe all this time?" Song Lan whispers, staring back at Xiao XingChen with a new awareness.

"Always. Always, for you." Xiao XingChen promises.

And that's all the time they can spare to talk, because they are attacked on all sides.

Lan Zhan makes sure Wei Ying is protected before transforming into his ferocious persona. His talons come out, looking sharp and dangerous, his canines are already elongated and primed. His golden eyes are burning for the need to spill Wen Blood.

He rips into the first vampire he lays his hands on, not wasting time by tearing his head off and discarding the remains, kicking away body parts as if they meant nothing. And then, he wonders if he can really make them do anything he wants, and thinks of Wei Ying laughing and suggesting he make them walk like chickens.

The moment he makes eye contact with the next one, he's amazed that it works, because this strange hybrid is out to get him, mid swoop he suddenly squawks and starts flapping his arms like wings.

"Book, book," he says, throwing everyone off, because how do you attack a chicken?

Meanwhile, Baoshan Sanren has her hands full with three hybrids fiercely attacking her, and she can manage two, but the third one is about to succeed in getting a swipe with his extended nails, when Wei Ying yells out, "Grandma? Grandfather wants you to move on! He wants you to find someone else to love!"

Baoshan Sanren dares not take the time to glare at him, but his words spur her to jump up in the air and in a single move, decapitate all three of her attackers.

"Then, the next time you see him, you can tell him to go to hell!" She yells back, outraged that her husband would suggest such a thing.

She's furious and her rage takes over, a killing spree which doesn't even let A-Qing ignite her Chakras of Death, a cooler name that Wei Ying had given to her weapons in his head.

Lan Zhan can hear Wei Ying's hooting laughter, as he makes more of these hybrids into chickens, and soon there's ten of them, clucking like hens and doing the chicken walk, while strutting through limbs and bloody body parts littering the floor.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Baoshan Sanren says to him, and Lan Zhan stares back, coldly unaffected by her admonishment.

"Wei Ying said it would be funny," he replied, stone-faced.

They both half turn back to see Wei Ying clutching his belly, tears of helpless laughter streaming from his eyes every time they land on a chicken-man-thing.

"Take them down to the cells," she tells one of the vampires, who then herds them into the elevator they just exited.

"Let's not waste any more time," she continues, still glaring at Lan Zhan, who remains unaffected, studiously ignoring her.

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