Chapter 74

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XiChen opens up the contacts app and selects his father's name. There are text messages, a back and forth about mundane things, and he gets the feeling that his mother wasn't very interested in texting.

No voice messages though.

It's the same for Uncle Qiren and Da Tuzi, but with the latter, there's an additional message of telling the family butler that the box was ready, whenever he wanted to come and collect it. No voice message here, either.

Lan Zhan was frowning at the phone now, because only one more name remained: Cangse Sanren.

"Do we know what month they disappeared?" He asked Wei Ying, who shook his head.

"I was too little to remember, plus afterwards, Madam Yu said no one remembers when they were kids, and then I wasn't sure if my memories were real memories or stuff I'd made up." Wei Ying has closed his eyes and looks quite comfortable, resting his face on Lan Zhan's knees.

The brothers share a look, before XiChen continues to scroll through the chat between their mother and her best friend.

Again, there are no recordings.

"Ge, the icon notification hasn't gone away." Lan Zhan says, after XiChen hands him the phone back.

"I know. I can only think of one person who can help," XiChen replies, pulling out his own phone and pressing a single button.

"You put A-Sang on speed dial?" MingJue looks chuffed at that.

"Oh, definitely. These days, I'm calling him more than WangJi." XiChen laughs, and it makes MingJue draw him closer to kiss his temple.

"Sup?" Huaisang says, moments later.

"We're trying to find the audio messages on an old Nokia." XiChen tells him.

"Model number?"

"Nokia 3300."

Huaisang doesn't say anything for a few minutes, but they can hear the sound of keys typing furiously.

"Screenshot of the icon?"

XiChen does it immediately with a closeup.

"Okay, so go into settings, and check out the memory tab. There's something called the Keep Safe app, and you should find what you're looking for there." Huaisang replies, seconds later.

XiChen watches Lan Zhan follow his instructions to the letter, and when there's a crackling sound, they realise it's working. He thanks Huaisang quickly and ends the call.

No one dares to breathe, as a woman's voice is heard.

"I am being transferred to a ward in the hospital, but personally, I don't think there's any point."

Her voice sounds resigned, as if she knows she might not return from there.

"I don't have any regrets except...except I wish I could have more time with the boys. They might never get to hear me say this, but I'm so proud of them. A-Huan is a lovely young man, so empathetic and kind, and I know he will do well. My serious little A-Zhan is the one that makes me worry. I want him to have some real fun, and not worry about adults getting their knickers in a twist about it."

Wei Ying chokes back a laugh at that, and XiChen smiles with amusement, and even Lan Zhan softens at her words.

"I don't even know if they will ever get to hear this, but I'm going to do my best. Fei Lang assures me that he will try to pass the phone on, and since he's the one who taught me how to record myself, I'm going to believe it." There are sudden coughs which result in the recording being halted.

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