Chapter 99

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12.41pm Sunday

As they ran up the stairs, Wei Ying wondered where this new stamina was coming from. He wasn't unfit by any means, and negotiating the four flights of stairs to his apartment daily multiple times had kept him trim.

But this was a whole new kind of fit.

"I feel really great," Wei Ying says, conversationally, casually.

"Mn?" Lan Zhan is running up the stairs with him, also not breaking a sweat, though Wei Ying thinks it's unfair how he might never sweat any more, and he's missed the chance to lick-

He almost stumbles at the image in his head, of bare pale skin made golden with sunlight under his hands, and Lan Zhan catches him, as they wait for the doctors and Wen Zhuliu to reach them, several flights down.

His worried gaze makes Wei Ying blush and he hides his face in Lan Zhan's chest.

"Distraction will make us lose focus," Lan Zhan chides, but his arms never miss a chance to hold Wei Ying close. "What was Wei Ying thinking about?"

"Omg...I don't want to say," he moans dramatically. "I'll never hear the end of it!"

Lan Zhan thinks he's adorable, the pink blush in his ears giving away what must be the prettiest colour, only darker, on the rest of his face. The heat is astonishingly pretty.

"I shall give you one kiss," Lan Zhan bargains, thinking he has the time, since he can hear three pairs of feet five flights below them.

"That's awfully stingy....I thought my husband-to-be would-"

That's all Wei Ying needs to say for Lan Zhan to lose control.

Lan Zhan takes his lips, swallowing the rest of his words in an eager rush to claim what has always been his.

Wei Ying kisses him back, enjoying this sensual delight.

Kissing Lan Zhan never felt ordinary, normal or run of the mill. It was lighting him up like a firework, and he was right at the centre of it. Colours exploded behind his eyelids, startlingly vivid and vibrant, shocks of wonder travelling up and down his body, igniting his nerve endings. Delicious fires spread through his chest, and Wei Ying wants more, forgetting where they are.

Lan Zhan is just as affected, surrounded by the magic of his fiance. Wei Ying has promised to marry him, and it is one that he will not take lightly.

Wei Ying is as bright as a lit torch seen from the inside, fiery and golden like a live wire and incandescent with beauty. He is like a blow torch, scorching away the memories of Lan Zhan's old life, one that was only half lived because it was missing something so vital.

His soft lips are plump and all the more deliciously enticing, pressing against his in a loving way, sucking on his bottom lip and pouring all that he feels into this single point of contact. The ties of love that bind them only become stronger with each lick of his sweet, sweet tongue, marking him for life.

If Lan Zhan had to spend the rest of his life kissing Wei Ying, it would be a life well lived.

Reluctantly, Wei Ying pulls away with the need to breathe.

"Talk." Lan Zhan says, making sure it's not a command.

"Well, I was just worried about...." What was he worried about, again? Wei Ying is dazed, skin still tingling with wondrous shivers.

"We were climbing up...Wei Ying stumbled." Lan Zhan reminds him, huffing in amusement.


He's remembered because Lan Zhan can remember what his blood smells like when he becomes embarrassed. And he's eagerly anticipating what Wei Ying will say.

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