Chapter 92

632 93 64

08.20 am Sunday

Having ADHD wasn't a bad thing, per say, but now...looking at all these open tabs and keeping track of what was going on basically everywhere, Mo XuanYu could learn to appreciate it.

He'd already hacked into the system and was currently trying to override Wen Rouhan's command of opening all the cage doors in that manky basement, but as it turned out, that simply wasn't possible. He could open doors but not close them.

Wen Rouhan had done something right in installing a failsafe of actually being in the security room, and physically pressing the button which would stop the attack happening right now, on the lowest level in the Wen Laboratories compound.

So that presented a problem, unless Mo XuanYu found a way to override the override already in place...

Mo XuanYu had at least ten tabs open and he was keeping an eye on all that he could, bemoaning the cheapskate who picked where the security cameras would be set up.

It wasn't fair that they had picked the most boring, unimaginative places possible, and then made them worse.

His eyes catch a movement in the camera installed where his father is being kept prisoner...was being kept prisoner. Since he opened the door himself, Mo XuanYu thought his sorry excuse for a dad would try to run away, make for the exit and save his own skin.

Unfortunately (for him), open doors meant that while he could go out, something else could also come in.

That's why doors were magical.

The energy they radiated was mind-blowing.

Right now, Mo XuanYu smiled coldly, because his father's eyes had widened. He crawled backwards, trying to make himself seem smaller, but the corner was only so big, and the vampires had smelled him out.

They were coming for him.

Feral, wild and certainly out of control, they advanced. Every action was threatening because Mo XuanYu was assuming that these poor creatures hadn't been fed in a while. And then he smiled at the irony of poor fate, when their first meal was going to be so terrible.

Mo XuanYu watched as the first vampire attacked, aiming for Jin GuanShan's throat, and then it was like a feeding frenzy as all of them rushed into that compact cell and tore him apart. Limbs were thrown, caught, sucked upon and discarded.

It was terrible to watch, but Mo XuanYu made himself keep his eyes open, forced himself to witness the last few moments of a man who had never taken the trouble to be his father.

For his mother.

And for himself.

Justice could be served with the lifting of a single finger.

Mo XuanYu waited, watching the screen long after it was emptied, with only a dark pool shadowing the place where that man had been. He waited to feel bad, for remorse that would not come.

In its place was cold satisfaction instead.


Tension rose with the audible shrieks and screeches that heralded the fight.

Lan Zhan turned to Wei Ying, desperation and a grim calmness in his golden eyes.

"My love...what is it?" Wei Ying is looking up at him, and there is so much love glistening in his beautiful eyes, quicksilver and molten at what he must see within Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan holds his dear face, drinking in the sight of this gorgeous man, how wonderful and captivating he is, how generous of heart.

"I love you, Wei Ying. Let's get married after this." And he crashes their lips together while A-Qing groans behind them.

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