Chapter 20

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Lan Zhan is lying in bed next to Wei Ying…well, 'next to' implies a false description, because Wei Ying is mostly lying on his chest. Lan Zhan loves this though, because ever since his change, he misses warmth. And Wei Ying is that and so much more.

Lan Zhan feels cherished and grounded by his natural proximity, and it's concentrated because Wei Ying isn't scared of him.

The scent of lotus flowers and a touch of vanilla…and there's definitely baby powder.

Wei Ying smells like home.

His heat spreads around Lan Zhan, surrounding him like a comfortable blanket. It's like finally being able to sleep in his own bed after months of sleeping elsewhere.

So when he hears Wen Ning get up and start rummaging around in the kitchen, he feels responsible enough to go and help him out. Reluctantly, Lan Zhan slides out of bed and quickly replaces himself with his pillow so Wei Ying won't wake up missing him.

Then he goes into the kitchen.

Wen Ning is unsuccessfully hunting for a bowl.

Lan Zhan feels better about this young man now, especially since he helped Wei Ying yesterday with their visitor…and ended up staying the night.

So he brings out the milk and gets Wen Ning what he needs.

They are sitting on the little table and Wen Ning has just finished his breakfast, when XiChen comes in, yawning and rubbing his eyes. Lan Zhan pours out more cereal and pushes the bowl towards his brother, and Wen Ning waves bye at the door before he leaves.

XiChen eats quietly, slowly, looking around the small kitchen.

Lan Zhan hopes he doesn't say anything else derogatory about Wei Ying’s situation. Wei Ying will wake soon, and Lan Zhan doesn't want him to overhear anything that might upset him.

XiChen sits back when he's done, his sharp gaze scrutinising Lan Zhan.

"You can imagine…what you told me last night…it's pretty far-fetched." He starts off saying. "What are you doing for nourishment?"

"At the beginning, I was using my own blood. A few drops was enough…every few hours." He tells XiChen of his disastrous encounter with a rare steak.

XiChen makes a face; he's also a vegetarian, and they've been this way since birth. He cannot imagine wanting to eat meat, let alone what Lan Zhan did.

"Have you felt as if you wanted to have…more?" XiChen inquired. "I mean…is it the same as when you used to get hungry?"

"Similar…the same discomfort is present…" Lan Zhan wonders whether or not to tell him about the difference between his own blood and that of Wei Ying's.

But he decides against it.

He's not sure why, but it feels like it's his own secret for now, and he wants to keep it that way for a little while longer, if it's possible.

"But Didi…you said you've changed into a vampire fully…right? Doesn't that mean you can't drink your own blood now? I'm confused." XiChen asks him.

He's unaware of this, but in that single comment, he is highlighting Lan Zhan’s very real worry.

"We will cross that bridge when we get to it. The worst case scenario is buying blood from a blood bank. Or we could go the Stephanie Meyer way and go hunting deer. We'll see." Lan Zhan only just refrained from making a face at how unappetising that sounded.

XiChen did not have any such filter and his grimace remained on his face long after Lan Zhan stopped talking.

A change of subject was needed.

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