Chapter 117

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They stared at each other.

Wei Ying didn't know what to do, and it looked like Mo XuanYu didn't know, either.

Lan Zhan tugged on his hand, ever conscious of being late.

And he knew something was wrong because Wei Ying's blood had changed, with an emotion he had trouble identifying. It was like excitement but different, a mix of wary curiosity and elation, though Lan Zhan couldn't understand why.

Except, it had something to do with Mo XuanYu.

Without meaning to, he's already glaring at the young man.

"How hungry are you?" Wei Ying asks him, out of the blue.

"I can manage. Why?" Mo XuanYu narrows his eyes at them, both Wei Ying and the scary one.

"Alright." Wei Ying knocks on Baoshan Sanren's door and pops his head around it. "Grandma? We're taking A-Yu out for lunch. We'll bring him back later?" He beams when she gives him two thumbs up in approval before her head turns back towards her computer.

" successfully do you think I can talk myself out of this one?" Mo XuanYu asks them, as Wei Ying takes his left arm and not to be outdone, Lan Zhan grabs his right one.

"Really?" Wei Ying replies, indignantly.

"Okay, okay!" Mo XuanYu says, giving up.


Since they have to pick up the children first, the drive to the school is fraught with tension and silence.

Wei Ying has so many questions and he's quiet only because, a) he doesn't know which one he wants the answer to, the most, and b) he doesn't want to start something and have it be interrupted, because whatever they are going to speak about, should be kept away from the kids. Of that, Wei Ying is absolutely certain.

The tension comes from Mo XuanYu, who is kind of terrified at what awaits and how he's going to answer, plus the scary one keeps glaring frostily at him through the rear view mirror, and even though it's not a direct look, he is shaking in his boots.

Lan Zhan is stressed because Wei Ying is, and since the cause of that is sitting in the back seat between two booster seats, Mo XuanYu gets the brunt of his irritation.

No one gets to make Wei Ying feel like this.

"I'll go get the kids," Wei Ying tells Lan Zhan, kissing his cheek and his eyes glancing at Mo XuanYu, who's staring back at them, a puddle of nerves now.

Lan Zhan understands immediately: Wei Ying wants him to stay in the car to keep an eye on their 'friend' in case he decides that running away would be better, and Lan Zhan agrees that he will stay.

But that doesn't mean he has to like it.

He's upset with Mo XuanYu for three reasons now: 1. For upsetting Wei Ying, 2. For making Wei Ying go alone to fetch their children, and 3. For making Wei Ying leave without a proper kiss because he's right THERE.

In fact, Lan Zhan is pretty sure he can come up with five more reasons to hate Mo XuanYu, but he settles on glaring at him even harder now, not even pausing to blink.

Mo XuanYu burrows into his seat miserably, keeping his eyes on the window to his left. The earlier Wei Ying gets back, the faster they can get going, and put an end to whatever this is.

Minutes later, Wei Ying is back, and they can hear him chattering excitedly to the children, who are asking him questions back until the moment the back seat doors open. Lan Zhan releases the locks and is out of the car in half a second, but if Mo XuanYu was relieved about that, it's not for long.

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