Chapter 32

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Sunday morning was filled with lazy kisses and cuddling, just being together and finding a rare sort of peace in that.

Little did they know how precious it would be.

Wen Qing and Wen PoPo arrived at precisely ten in the morning.

Both A-Yuan and JingYi had finished with breakfast, and that reminded Wei Ying to ask Lan Zhan if he was "hungry". It was a benign, ordinary question, and Lan Zhan shook his head after checking.

The problem was, he didn't know when it was going to strike, like the last time, when his head had begun to ache all of a sudden. The good thing was, he knew what to look out for, now.

"Where are you going, Baba?" A-Yuan asked, just as they were getting ready to leave.

Wen PoPo was standing just behind him and JingYi, but Wei Ying recognised the look on his son's face. He came back with an apologetic smile.

"Sweetheart, I know today is Sunday...I know it's family day. But JieJie has got something to show us and it's really important." He crouches down, pulling A-Yuan into a hug.

A-Yuan's bottom lip came out.

Lan Zhan has to look away.

What is it about these boys and their pouts? Only, this is worse because A-Yuan is only six, and it's very real to him. He's upset, and he doesn't know how to deal with it.

"Is it about Baba?" A-Yuan asks then, and all the adults stare at him.

How he is that astute is inexplicable...

Wei Ying nods, hugging him again. A-Yuan plants a big kiss on his cheek and tries to smile.

"Me and JingYi will make something good for Baba." He says bravely.

JingYi comes along and holds his hand, smiling and wanting to make his friend feel better.

"PoPo can help! Let's go!"

Wen PoPo hurries after them with a wave.

Lan Zhan has already cooked their lunch and shown Wen PoPo where it is; she only has to heat it up for the three of them, in case Wei Ying and himself are late.

"We should go. The faster we get this over with, the faster you can get back." Wen Qing tells them.

Wei Ying nods, feeling dejected. This is the first time he's not at home with his son, on a Sunday.

Lan Zhan takes his hand and gives it a squeeze, pulling him closer to give him a kiss at his temple. They follow Wen Qing out.

"We're taking my car." She says curtly, unlocking it.

Lan Zhan folds himself in the back, his long legs slightly cramped. Wei Ying throws him a sympathetic glance before getting in the passenger seat next to Wen Qing.

"Listen up. It's a government facility, and security is tight. Today is Sunday so that's good; the regular security guys aren't on duty, and I can get you past the guards at the front. Once inside, you Do Not Talk. Only if I ask you a question, and then, try to limit to yes and no. Regulations demand everything is recorded, both audio and visual...except in a few limited places. Wen Rouhan has thrown enough money at it to ensure no mistakes are made." She drives in a ruthlessly efficient way, maintaining her directions while she navigates the quiet roads.

Sunday morning means most people are still in bed, and not out and about.

"Wen Rouhan?" Lan Zhan asks sharply. "The Press magnate?"

"The very same." Wen Qing throws him a look, despite the fact that she should be looking straight ahead. "What do you know about him?"

"Not much, except that he has two sons, one of whom was up for the Architect of the Year award. That's in two weeks, the awards ceremony."

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