Chapter 63

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Why was Lan Zhan being cagey, all of a sudden?

The pouches were definitely jewellery, though not rings, because Wei Ying knew those came in cute little boxes, and now was not the time to investigate the deep pang of disappointment he felt at that.

So there was only one way to find out.

He pulled Lan Zhan's hand so it rested between them, his open palm inviting Wei Ying to open each pouch carefully. First one, and then the other.

There were two identical bracelets.

A red thread connected four gold beads with one black one, to a tiny jade rabbit with a ruby eye. At the end of the red thread, both ends were sealed with a black bead. It was a pull-both-ends-and-close type fastening.

"It's beautiful..." Wei Ying gasps, his finger tracing the outline of the bunny. "I'm guessing one for you and one for me?" He goes to kiss Lan Zhan but the latter pulls away, looking ashamed.


Why did Lan Zhan do that?

Lan Zhan never ever pulled away from a kiss!

Incredibly hurt, and a little humiliated, Wei Ying is about to get up, go Bury himself under a mound of pillows, something! When Lan Zhan's arms come around him, holding him tight.

"I cannot kiss Wei Ying in good conscience until he hears me out." Lan Zhan mutters against his throat.


There was something else going on.

Lan Zhan had tried to be okay about this, as nonchalantly as Huaisang had told him in other words that his brother was wearing a tracking device disguised as a bracelet, and his brother (s?) were none the wiser.

That was their business.

But Wei Ying was his, and Lan Zhan really could not abide by lying to him, not when there was a smile of gentle delight on Wei Ying's beautiful face, without knowing what these bracelets were.

He was so, so innocent.

It was a crime against humanity to let anything happen to him.

But first, Lan Zhan had to come clean.

"So far, twice I have been terrified that something has happened to Wei Ying." Lan Zhan wants to word this carefully. He wants Wei Ying to know that he's coming from a place of caring for Wei Ying's safety first, and not some creepy, weird stalkerish tendency.

"Oh, my love, I'm so sorry!" Wei Ying hugs him tightly.

Lan Zhan lets himself have this, before the coming storm.

Which could go either way.

"Please, hear me out. We can throw these away, if Wei Ying wishes not to wear them." He ignores Wei Ying's wide eyes, full of trust even now. It's best to tell him everything in one go.


Lan Zhan puts a finger on his lovely lips, effectively stopping him from talking. Wei Ying is surprised, because Lan Zhan would not ordinarily do something like that, unless it was important.

He gives Lan Zhan a small nod to continue.

"There's a tracking device behind the bunny, under the gold plate backing. It is only because of our trying circumstances, and the danger surrounding Wei Ying. No other reason." Lan Zhan looks down, unable to meet his eyes and see the certain disappointment he must be feeling.

"So you got us both a bracelet each, because you didn't want me to feel weirded out. Or you know just how much I value your safety as well." Wei Ying lifted Lan Zhan's chin once more to look deeply into his warm golden eyes. "Only because you know I would be worried sick if something happened to either one of us and you didn't know where I was again."

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