Chapter 53

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The text message from Lan Zhan made Wei Ying smile. Lan Zhan was only now starting to use emojis, and Wei Ying had taught him that there was an entirely new language to be learned.

It came about because Lan Zhan said XiChen had choked on his water when he had sent him an eggplant emoji, and then the same thing happened to Wei Ying, so of course, he had to explain.

He was so busy looking at his phone that he didn't see the danger.

Only when the man cleared his throat, did Wei Ying look up.

This alley was almost always empty. There was no reason for anyone to be here, and especially not one so smartly dressed in clothes that probably cost more than one month's salary for Wei Ying.

The stranger wore a dirty smirk on his face, and a look of entitlement. His silver suit contrasted in a nice way with his pale yellow shirt, and he wore a thick gold chain around his neck.

Ostentatious, is what Wei Ying's first thought was, about him.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Jiang reject!" He says, stepping closer to Wei Ying.

Wei Ying steps back, thinking fast. How does this stranger know him?

"Who are you? You obviously know me," he replies, weighing his options about whether or not he could run back inside before the slimy prick could catch him. Should he stay and fight? There was no point battling it out unless Wei Ying was sure he could win, and right now, it looked like they were evenly matched.

Wei Ying is tense.

The stranger is definitely here for something, but what could it be? There's a dangerous look in his eyes, not a craziness, but something...

"Not that that is relevant. I have some questions for you."

"About?" Wei Ying takes a miniscule step back, but the glint in the other's eyes suggests that he's on to him.

This is a game of cat and mouse.

"We have a mutual acquaintance. In fact, I believe you are in possession of their child. So my 'friend' wants to know if she's come around to visit her kid."

Oh, no!

He's talking about Mrs Lan.

If Wei Ying feigns ignorance about knowing who she is, the chances are that the stranger will think he's lying and may try to harm him.

"Who's your friend?" Wei Ying asks instead. "And how do you know about me?"

The stranger tuts loudly, shaking his head.

"My cousin married your adopted sister. And I'm offended that you don't remember me."

He lunged, aiming to grab Wei Ying's throat. He was totally unprepared for the random attack. It was so sudden and Wei Ying braced himself to be hurt, but instead his eyes were momentarily blinded by a flash of white, and then to Wei Ying's horror, a silver sword pierced the yellow shirt guy's chest.

Even as Wei Ying faintly registers his phone being knocked out of his hand, right next to the rubbish bag he had dropped earlier, he sees a red blooming stain on that pale yellow silk. The cry of pain loud in his ears, and then he's watching the strangely familiar man dressed in white, going after the suit guy.

Suit Guy leans back against the dumpster, and he looks weakened, but he's hiding a nasty smile. This time when Sword Guy attacks, Suit Guy evades and makes a run for it.

Wei Ying wants to run back inside, get to Lan Zhan and tell him everything. But he's warily watching Sword Guy coming back and wiping his sword on some trash. That's when Wei Ying sees his phone and notices the damage to the screen.

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