Chapter 64

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There was a comfort in knowing that when he opens his eyes, Lan Zhan was going to be there.

His apartment had never felt so full and in such a good way. PoPo was in the living room, and the kids were in their bedroom; sweet, loving Lan Zhan was here in his arms, and life simply couldn't get any better.

He sighed, eyelids still too heavy to open, but he smiled when he felt eager lips on his cheeks, his forehead and then the best, his lips.

Sugary drugging kisses that never felt like enough, a high of feeling good, of wanting more and more...

He must have fallen asleep afterwards, because Wei Ying wakes with a jolt. Rubbing his eyes, he tries to remember what his dream was about, the remnants of which were still lurking in his subconscious. But like trying to catch water with his fingertips, the more he tried, the further it slipped away.

Frustrated, he wakes up to see beautiful golden eyes staring back at him.

Lan Zhan has the most amazing eyes, capable of conveying emotions like a weather chart. Cold and frosty towards those he did not care about, to heated with warmth towards him. Wei Ying rolls over onto him.

"Good morning, Sweetheart!" He whispers this against impossibly soft lips, before kissing him again.

"Mn. Good morning....Babe." Lan Zhan looks incredibly embarrassed having said that.

Wei Ying takes one look at his face and starts giggling.

He can't even speak yet.

Lan Zhan wants to die of mortification and closes his eyes. That's nowhere near enough and he has to throw his arm across his eyes, too.

"My don't have to use a pet name, if you don't want to." Wei Ying tells him, placing a warm kiss at the corner of his mouth.

"Wei Ying laughed at me."

"No! No, I would never!" Wei Ying hugs him closer. "It was just so unexpected, you caught me off guard. You can call me whatever you want to, it's fine. Maybe you can experiment with different ones until we find what works the best?"

Lan Zhan relented and let his arm be taken away from his face.

"Mn." In fact, he was starting to like that idea more and more.

After all, being in a relationship often entailed walking along unfamiliar paths until one figured out where they were.

"Though I must confess..."

Oh, Lan Zhan was very much invested in this! He opened his eyes to look at the most beautiful man in the world (™).


"I like it the best when you say my name." Wei Ying blushes hard.

Lan Zhan might not be able to see the beauty of it clearly in this semi darkness of early morning, but he can certainly feel the heat radiating off his beloved.

"I like saying Wei Ying." Lan Zhan tells him, enjoying the way Wei Ying's shiver is a head to toe one.

Wei Ying rests his cheek against Lan Zhan's chest, closing his eyes. It's a Friday and soon they will have to get up to start the school day routine, so these moments beforehand are doubly precious. He thinks about everything they've got to do today.

"Lan Zhan?" It's silly, because Wei Ying knows Lan Zhan isn't asleep, can't sleep anymore, and yet he likes receiving the affirmative.


"What was it like living in that big house? How did you start calling Da Tuzi that?"

Lan Zhan thinks back to that day, all those years ago, when Fei Yang became Da Tuzi. He can't even remember what he used to call the older man anymore.

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