Chapter 143

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Lan Zhan was sitting in the rocking chair with both girls in his arms, gently rocking them back to sleep. It was a lost cause, he thinks, because they're gradually awakening, blinking up at him. He reckons he has about five minutes before one of them poops, which will somehow have a domino effect on the other one who will quickly match her twin.

They're not identical twins and yet, they share many similarities.

One has a beauty spot just under her bottom lip, while the other has a star formation of them upon her left shoulder. They are quiet babies, only crying when they need something, otherwise they are content to blink slowly at the world around them as it becomes clearer day by day.

Juhua is louder, and the leader of the two.

Lan Zhan supposes it is only right because chrysanthemum flowers were bigger, domineering, than plum blossoms which were no less magnificent, if smaller. It's this reasoning which makes him more careful for Meihua, because he gets the feeling she would always follow her sister.

If that was truly the case, then he would continue to look after her a little bit more, only to ensure she received everything she needed without having to ask for it. He would help her find her voice, whether or not it matched her sister's.

There was a peacefulness here, just sitting with these two souls and watching the moments slip by. He felt calmer now.

Initially, when Wei Ying had left, Lan Zhan could not get rid of the feeling of being unsettled, jittery.

He knew it was unreasonable of himself, but that didn't make it any easier to cope with.

The girls woke up a few times in the night, and as Lan Zhan dealt with their needs, able to change and feed them effortlessly now, he realised that by their very nature, they were soothing to hold.

If he made them feel safer by cradling them to his chest, then they reciprocated by the level breathing, their hearts beating like a constant thrumming, like the wings of a hummingbird fluttering in his palm. They managed to calm him down without even trying.

It is Uncle Qiren who knocks on his door and enters when Lan Zhan nods at him.

He comes to sit on the bed next to him, and because he looks pensive, Lan Zhan knows that he has something he wants to say.

Uncle Qiren looks like he'd rather be anywhere else than here, and that makes Lan Zhan smile.

Uncle Qiren clears his throat and is about to apologise but he sees that the girls are awake, so there's no need to.

"I am proud of you, WangJi."

Lan Zhan is shocked by his words.

Their family doesn't do hugs, but neither are they outwardly vocal beyond what is strictly proper and useful, or necessary. They don't joke around, or talk to make others feel better. If given the choice, they would pick silence over speaking every single time.

So Uncle making this effort is a big thing.

Lan Zhan looks at his daughters, and they seem to be listening just as intently as he is.

"Many changes have occurred in your life, and as a result, in ours as well. However, you have not stepped back from the unexpected challenges but rather, you stood up to them. Wei WuXian is a good man, if vastly different from our family. I think that might be a good thing."

"It is." Lan Zhan insists.

In the past, he would never have said anything to interrupt his Uncle. He would have remained silent in the face of whatever opinion was foisted upon him. Then, this is another change.

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