Chapter 4

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Wei Ying had a good start to his day today, for a most welcome change.

Though it was at the cost of a good night's sleep, he didn't mind that part too much because he managed to get A-Yuan to school bright and early. JingYi and another teacher had been there, assuring him it was okay for him to leave his child.

Wei Ying was pleasantly surprised because now he had a bit more time before his shift started at the Coffee Carousel.

He wasn't surprised at his restless night, though.

The card in his pocket was a burning a hole in his head and he was beating himself up with the guilt of not saying anything to the brother, Lan XiChen about Lan WangJi being safe and in his home.

He had hoped to be able to talk to Lan WangJi about it when he came home last night/early this morning, but his guest was fast asleep. Wei Ying had taken his temperature once more and was relieved to find it had dropped to thirty five degrees centigrade, which was so close to normal that he never gave it a second thought, being shattered from his nightshift.

Su She was being a royal pain up his backside by arguing with the cleaner of the bar and firing him on the spot, then announcing that someone would have to sweep and mop the floors before going home. When Wei Ying finished that, he was informed that the cleaner had yet to do the toilets too, so it made Wei Ying so much later to come back home.

PoPo was asleep with A-Yuan in his bedroom and when Wei Ying went into the kitchen, he found a note telling him his dinner was in the refrigerator and all he had to do was heat it up.

While he ate, his thoughts drifted to Lan XiChen and after that, Wei Ying couldn’t get him out of his head. He tossed and turned for hours before deciding to shower early. He even managed to go grocery shopping and make breakfast for PoPo too before she left to go back home.

Hence the early start to his day.

A-Yuan had hugged him and kissed his cheek; it still felt warm in his heart from that affection as Wei Ying came home. He tossed his keys into the bowl by the door and quickly did some maths.

If he found Lan Zhan just after midnight before last, and it was coming up to nine in the morning, that meant it had been thirty three hours since he'd found the beautiful man unconscious in the alley.

Fevers usually lasted twenty four hours so if his guest wasn't awake now, Wei Ying was going to call 911.

Wei Ying removed his shoes and marched towards his bedroom door.

Lan WangJi was still lying there, on his bed.

There was a pleasant aroma in the air too…reminding Wei Ying of temples and meditation….incense…sandalwood! He sniffed it again, taking greedy nosefuls and filling up his lungs.

Was the man still asleep?

Wei Ying looked at his watch.

He still had half an hour before he had to leave.

Right next to Lan WangJi, Wei Ying put two fingers under his nose to check for breathing.

Two things happened immediately.

Those beautiful golden eyes shot open.

And his wrist was grabbed.


Wei Ying was so startled, he stumbled back.

Lan WangJi followed, effortlessly graceful in a single fluid motion, towering over him.


Lan Zhan felt the change instantly.

He woke up and stretched, feeling…invincible.

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