Chapter 79

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Dark eyes tinged with red stared back at Wei Ying, a cold smirk lifting the corners of his cruel mouth. The point of the sharp blade pressed forward, nicking his skin, but Wei Ying cared less about his safety than where the fuck Lan Zhan was.

As far as he was concerned, this waste of space was in his way and the faster he got rid of the annoyance, the better. Wei Ying wasn't sure where this external bravery was coming from, but all he could think about was Lan Zhan.

"Out of my fucking way!" He growled, batting the sword away.

The sharpness of it cut his hand and Wei Ying was vaguely aware of blood splattering away, and then just as clearly, he was conscious of the wounds closing, both on his neck which was inconsequential compared to his now healed fingers.

The Jin bastard's eyes widened in shock.

"So it's true!" He exclaimed, pressing forward. "And what if I bite you? Will you let me? I hear you're-"

Wei Ying was suddenly filled with a blind rage and he stepped forward, wrapping his fingers around the Jin's throat, and tightening them. How easy it was to press harder, to shake him until his face became red and splotchy as he struggled to breathe. He dropped his sword with a clatter.

This stupid, hateful man, in his expensive suit, his jewellery, and his attitude.

"Where is he?" Wei Ying bit out, his patience running this. He'd had enough of being threatened.

"Can't…speak…" his eyes bulged, and Wei Ying loosened his hold slightly, not letting him go.

"Start talking!"

"They left me here, to pass on a message…" He wheezed, dragging air back into his lungs at a pitiful rate.

"Spit it out before I make you." Wei Ying was aware of movement behind him, and he glanced back to make sure it wasn't another threat.

Xiao XingChen had his sword out and came to stand by his side.

"I should have ended you that day," he observed, his gaze narrowing as he sniffed the air.

Jin ZiXun bared his teeth, and Wei Ying shook him, privately astounded at his own strength.

There wasn't any time to dwell on where it had come from, but he understood that it was a new development. Had it come from Lan Zhan? As a result of his venom? It was just speculation for now, and Wei Ying let it go until he could think about it at leisure.

Right now, he had priorities.

"Alright, alright!" The yellow suited man coughed and tried to speak in between hacking, but Wei Ying wasn't falling for that old trick; he had seen too many movies where the bad guy attacked one last time.

More noise behind them, but this time they spoke so Wei Ying didn't have to turn around.

"A-Xian! What's going on? Where's Didi?" The panic in XiChen's voice was as clear as day.

"This fucker knows." Wei Ying glared at him, pissed beyond reason. "If you don't start talking, my friend here is going to turn you into a fresh kebab." He shook him for good measure.

Xiao XingChen let his blade pierce his body as a warning.

"They s-said to t-tell you, bring t-the k-key to the labs in twenty-four hours, and t-they'll let your b-boyfriend go," he stammered, panicking because he was outnumbered now, and the chances of him leaving here alive were getting slimmer.

"What key?" Wei Ying demanded, suddenly getting a very bad feeling about this.

"The k-key to u-unlock the H-heartStone…" He was getting lightheaded, blinking slower and slower as he was deprived of oxygen.

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