Chapter 47

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The day dawned bright and early. Wei Ying woke to warm kisses all over his face. It wasn't that Lan Zhan was particularly warm, but the way his lips made Wei Ying feel hot all over.

He felt comfortable and snuggly and didn't want to move, but Lan Zhan was being insistent and something about that made Wei Ying clingier. He burrowed closer, seeking cuddles.

It wasn't lost on Lan Zhan, who huffed out a laugh.

"I think that's my favourite sound." Wei Ying mumbles, eyes still shut, stubbornly holding out against waking up for real.

"Mn. Mine is also Wei Ying's laugh." Lan Zhan kisses his forehead. "I have packed a bag or two for our trip."

That was it.

Wei Ying remembered that today was Sunday! And they were going to the beach!

One last kiss on perfect lips, and he jumped up out of bed and into the shower.

While he was there, Lan Zhan went into the kitchen and prepared breakfast. Today was technically still a holiday for the children, because from tomorrow, they will return to school.

And Wei Ying had mentioned that Social services were going to visit tomorrow, too.

Lan Zhan cut up the scallions for pancakes, and prepared the batter, tasting for salt. He made the children's food first and then added a healthy dose of chilli flakes to the last batch.

Then he went to wake the children.

There was a peacefulness to be gained by this orderly domestic bliss. Lan Zhan had had a different routine as a bachelor, one that centred on himself alone or sometimes with the exception of his brother, if he had actually spent the night in their shared apartment.

Not that he was complaining; no, this new life was very much appreciated with gratitude. If Lan Zhan had any other choice, he still thought he wouldn't change a thing.

He shot off a quick text to his brother about arranging a dinner with Uncle, and making sure the food would be suitable for two young children as well. XiChen replied with emojis and what Lan Zhan presumed to be a bomb.

He hoped it wasn't an accurate premonition on the outcome on whichever day they decided.


After breakfast and handing the boys a bag to fill with whatever they wanted to take with them to the beach, for their own entertainment along the way, Lan Zhan loaded up the car so they could be on their way as soon as possible.

Wei Ying confiding in him about wanting to go in the first place, made him feel all kinds of warm inside.

He hadn't allowed himself to think about what a biopsy could mean, and all the resulting repercussions of that test, which frankly, gave him the heebie jeebies. But he was going to take his own advice about that, and not jump to any conclusions without proof.

He had his own theories about his venom, and they had been bolstered by F4keSt0ries with his crack observations on how he hadn't seen any ill vampires.

F4keSt0ries also mentioned that vampire venom worked in a specific way, removing anything which proved detrimental to its existence. Based on that, Lan Zhan was taking full advantage of having Wei Ying under him every night, and showing him how much he loved his boyfriend.

Part of his worship included biting Wei Ying in nonharmful places, nowhere directly into his bloodstream. Just one drop at a time, hoping it would reach wherever it was needed, and do the job that he hoped would end up saving Wei Ying, if it came to that.

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