Chapter 78

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Wei Ying heard his phone vibrating in his pocket, and once he saw the name, he had to answer it. But the noise level around him was getting higher as the crowds cheered for Lan Zhan, and there was no way Wei Ying could hear anything. There was nothing to be done except step outside for a few seconds and try to talk to the person who had called, because they would only call if it was an emergency.

Hopefully, he could return before Lan Zhan comes back...

He's on his way out when he hears Lan Zhan say the word marry, and he wants nothing more than to turn around but his phone vibrates again, spurring him into action. He bursts outside, and answers it breathlessly.



Wen PoPo wasn't feeling too great as she had admitted to Wei Ying earlier in the day, and she tried to knit but the woollen yarn kept blurring, so she gave up and lay down.

That was in the morning, and she woke up in the late afternoon, hungry and thirsty. After taking care of her needs, she decided not to push herself and lay down again, expecting to wake up the next morning, hale and hearty.

So she was surprised to jerk awake, feeling out of sorts and drowsy. She checked the time on her phone and was surprised to see it just past eleven.

What had woken her up?

The sound of the front door being forced open after a struggle, and then the harsh whispering which followed had her panicking, because neither of the voices sounded like either Wei Ying or Lan Zhan.

Pure instinct had her covering her face with the blanket as she struggled to calm down, her sharp ears listening carefully.

"I bet they're not expecting this! Master is so sharp, this'll have them playing straight into our hands!"

"Hush! We don't want the neighbours to come and see what the fuss is about!"

"You're sure there's no one else here?"

"Yeah, besides bruv, they're kids, no? They just sleep, they don't need no babysitter. And even if there is, we'll deal with them."

There's a low chuckle that makes PoPo want to grab her walking stick and start using it in the way it wasn't designed for, but she decided to wait; no need to do anything yet. There were two of them, and only one of her, so the odds weren't in her favour.

She felt the stirring breeze of people wafting past her, and she held her breath, wondering what these ruffians wanted, since they had specifically broken into THIS apartment, which meant they were looking for something that could only be found here.

And from what she's heard, these people know that neither of her boys are here...and a feeling of dread fills her veins with ice.

It can't be...because if they know that Wei Ying and Lan Zhan weren't going to be here, then that could only mean one thing.

If they mentioned kids, then they were here for A-Yuan and JingYi.


"Popo? What is it? Are you okay?" Wei Ying asks her rapid fire questions. His heart is beating wildly out of control and he doesn't even know why. It's so loud in his ears that at first, Wei Ying thinks he's misheard what she's telling him. "PoPo, say that again!"

This time he tunes out everything but her voice, praying he was mistaken the first time.

"Two men broke in? Why?" He asks her, panic clawing at his throat.

"I think they were after the children. It's okay, though. They've left now. They ran into the children's room and fell down, must have been the Lego," she chuckles to herself.

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